The Society and its vividness are sinking in the Shit to Venezuela ((15 Days without Gas))

in #informationwar6 years ago

Being Venezuelan in a country that lives in poverty and eternal sadness, is the most unpleasant feeling in the world, where every day thousands struggle to survive.

The Society and its vividness are sinking in the Shit to Venezuela ((15 Days without Gas))

Every day I become more disillusioned with society and their lack of respect for the world around them, that indifference towards other people and constant abuse, I live in a country where they have lost their values, where the people have been responsible for filling Fuck everything and lost respect for themselves.

When I go out into the street I meet people who live with the misery of others, who humiliate and abuse who can not defend themselves, and this is not only society, the system and the government are the same shit, they pollute with their trash this country that loses strength every day and no longer finds an outlet.

As a Venezuelan I feel obliged to communicate everything that happens in my country, what we are going through and the trash we have as a society.

Today 8:00 am I had to make a queue with my wife and son to buy the domestic gas, ((which is used to cook)), we had to go through a process to write us down and see if we had the opportunity to buy the gas because for 15 days we can not cook and we have to buy prepared food or bread to spend these days or go to my mother in law to cook, ((crazy)).

For those who do not know the situation of Venezuela and how is the lifestyle here I give a brief summary; Venezuela is experiencing an economic crisis, where food is not available, where a month's salary is $ 7 and it is not enough, where politicians are corrupt at open doors, where crime has taken over the streets, where Thousands of children die for lack of medicines or food, where families must flee the crisis to other countries every day, Venezuela lives in a pittance and sinks into the shit thanks to corrupt politicians. A sad reality that we all live the days.


Continuing with the Gas theme; My wife and I were in the line for 4 hours where we had to see how people fought, they pushed themselves, where women with babies in their arms had to endure the inclement sun to be able to try to buy a gas cylinder to be able to cook.

In the queue but I was wrong there were about 500 people and the gas truck had at most only 210 gas cylinders.

During those hours, my wife, tired and with a sad look, made me think if this is just, if this situation should be happening, it gave me a great sadness and anger to have to see my wife in that way while many people were just waiting his turn, unfortunately we lasted 4 hours in the queue and we did not have the opportunity to buy, since the corrupt police took the truck 20 bottles and took it away, ((and then sell them to the much more expensive town)), If this happens in Venezuela, corruption is open.

I saw my wife and told her to leave, that they would not sell more gas because it sold out, and she just looked at him and that killed my heart.


I do not know what happens to this country that no longer has compassion for the people who day after day take to the streets in search of food and a better future for their families, where we are living every day as if it were the last, since today maybe we can eat a piece of bread or spaghetti with tomato sauce, but maybe tomorrow we only have water and a cookie.

When I left the queue and arrived at my house, I just turned on my old computer and started writing what they are reading right now, I felt that I had to vent and inform the world what is happening, I know very well that there are countries that are much worse than Venezuela, but this sadness and disappointment are killing the hope I have in my country and I hope to keep going and not fail, since it depends on my wife and son who are my starting motor to keep fighting.

Friends of the community of Steemit, if you run into the publication of a Venezuelan, do not hesitate to give your support, press that button Upvote that with that you will be helping some of us ((Venezuelans) ) We can meet to buy the food of the week or gather to pay for any questions, which are many.


Thank you very much for reading me and let's continue building a better world.



I hope you liked it and do not hesitate to express what you feel, remember each of us are responsible for the future of the community.

Thanks for dropping by!

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Important note: You can find this same publication in my account Whaleshares, Weku, Bearshares (Edited).

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Sorry to hear this. Hyperinflation has really decimated the country. No one can afford anything and the result is rampant crime and poverty. Crypto (not the Petro lol) may be a temporary solution, but the real problem starts at the top. A lesson learned by that socialism doesn't work.

Thank you for sharing your experience, the part about the police selling gas cans to the richer part of the city is very disturbing, but not surprising. Who do the police sell the gas to, and where are you located in Venezuela?

Gracias para compartir. Me molesta a oír que la police siguen con la trampa. Pero cuéntame, con quién les venden los cilindros? Que parte de la ciudad viven los ricos, y donde vive Usted?

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