Winter Garden Coming Together

Fall garden came to a quick halt since the temps are rapidly dropping. A lot of the fall stuff that was left died off. We have been hard at work cleaning up and preparing for a small winter garden. It's super important to me to have fresh, nutritious, healthful foods available to us all year round so we have started our winter garden and it's looking great!

We have a cold front coming through in about a week. We have been working so hard to get everything prepped. We cleaned up the larger food forest area and put it to bed for the winter....tucking each tree in with a nice heavy layer of woodchips. We planted Austrian Winter Peas around the base of each tree to help add some protection (they can take some wicked cold temps) and as delicious winter food for us to enjoy. They haven't come up yet but they don't take long so it should be any day now.

We also planted out our winter garden in the longer garden run area. A lot of cabbages, carrots, mixed greens, etc. Most will do just fine when the cold comes but some will need a little help so we plan to put row covers over everything to help protect them from the wind and frost. Not all of our seeds came up as of yet since we use succession planting methods so the row covers will also help in that area as well. Thankfully the daytime temps have been above 50F and even some days in the 60's F (10C -to 15C) Last night and tonight it is around 26F (-3C) and next week we may drop down to around 9F (-12C) or even a little lower with some wicked wind chills. We have a few days of warmer daytime temps in between though so that will allow for more of our winter seeds to come up.

We have a good variety of foods growing for a nice diverse diet during winter. Because of the way we grow our food, using regenerative practices and layering lots of composting woodchips, it helps to keep the roots warm is a definite bonus during these cold temps.

Take a look at the start of our winter garden!! :)

With lots of love
-Kindred Acres

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Everytime i watch or read your posts I want another plant. This time its salad burnett (sp?) ... awww your daughter is so cute!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor) is sooo yummy and cold hardy. It tolerates some heat but can get bitter if it is too hot. They also have medicinal properties. They are good for digestion and made into a tea, can help relieve diarrhea and digestive upset.

Hm. We get pretty darn hot here in the summer, and I'm not a fan of overly bitter greens - even rocket (arugula) does my head in here!

So plant it in winter and enjoy it through early summer. :)

I had no idea you would get such low temps way down there! I thought 13F yesterday morning was pretty bad for this time of year here in New England!

Love reading about all your gardening projects!

It is unusual this time of year....we are expecting record-breaking temps.

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