Achievement 3; Content Etiquette by @kimora996

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Introduction/definition of plagiarism

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Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.

The first time I heard of plagiarism was in my first year when one of my lecturer talked about it. My lecturer then gave us assignment and asked us to avoid plagiarism. I kept on wondering what plagiarism meant until he took his time and explained it. He said "You can be sued for plagiarism and when found guilty, you'll go in for it. " Ever since then,I've been cautious about what I publicize and pen down, making sure that I acknowledge the writer in my references.

Types of plagiarism

Plagiarism can come in different forms. Basically, it's not just about copying others work without their consent. It could also involve seeking consent without proper acknowledgement. Let me take you down to the types of plagiarism;

  • Direct plagiarism; Being the most common and harmful type of plagiarism involves copying verbatim from the writer without proper acknowledgement. It also involves changing some parts of the work and/or replacing them with your own work without proper acknowledgement.

  • Mosaic plagiarism; Is an unintentional type of plagiarism where the "plagiarist' actually acknowledges the writer, but doesn't quote properly or doesn't cite properly.

  • Self plagiarism; Is simply when you copy your previous work into your new work.

  • Accidental plagiarism; As the name implies when the 'plagiarist' misquotes the phrases or parts of text from which he/she had taken the work from or when they cite wrongly.

Consequences of Plagiarism

Every action has a consequence that follows it whether positive or negative. When you plagiarize, you must be ready to dance to the tunes of the music.

  • A plagiarist will face the law once reported or sued.
  • When one copies another's work without due acknowledgement, one is said not to be original and this can affect your works negatively.
  • A plagiarist can be sanctioned by the host community.

How can one avoid plagiarism?

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  • Intellectual work needs a lot of focus,inspiration and reasoning.
  • Do take your time to follow what your heart is open to.
  • Try to be original in your content,it boosts your immunity.
  • Always give honour to whom it's due,acknowledge properly.
  • You could download the plagiarism check app to help and keep you in check.
  • Be dutiful to report plagiarist.

Content Etiquette

Etiquette according to the Cambridge dictionary are set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour in a particular social groups or social situations.

A friend of mine in a social group was fond of playing the 'absent party' by this, I mean that he always singles himself out as a passive member of the social group where he belonged. He neither comments on peoples posts nor admit he is wrong. He hardly reply to those who comment on his post, but he usually bombards the social group every second with his post.

It got to much that other members of the social group tried to call him to order, instead of him to take corrections, he rebuffed them using abusive words. He at some point decided to post spams links that are not related to the social group and went as far as direct messaging all the female participants in the social group without permission from them.

Consequently, the members of the group couldn't take it anymore, so they reported him to the appropriate authority who found him guilty of not following the rules of the group.

This article is strictly for the purpose of my achievement.
The stories,places and persons here are all fiction.
There could be resemblances and coincidences, but,they're all part of 'creativity'

I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them

 3 years ago 

Kindly add that Declaimer at the end of post. You also need to give and example of Quotation/citation s ways to avoid plagiarism

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