My son, listen to your father's advice.

in HeartChurch5 years ago


First of all, I greet you and thank you for visiting my blog.

I am a teenager and very recently converted to the Lord. However, my relationship with my parents is quite rigid. They lived their lives and now they want to impose their lifestyle on me. When I was little, everything they said accepted and did what I was told. But now I consider myself a young lady and I also have the right to think as young people my age think. This irritates my parents a lot and relationships get complicated. They tell me that I am a very rebellious teenager and that I must seek the Lord.

When they tell me that I should go to church with them, that bothers me, because I don't share the way they seek God.
Many times they tell me to fix my room and I go deaf. This infuriates my mother and tells me that she has to take me to a psychiatrist. On the other hand, my father establishes a schedule for me when I go out and enter the house. He lectures me on when I was young and relationships get complicated.

In all this time of rebellion, I did not obey my parents' advice at all. I made the decision to attend church with them and heard many teachings that I stopped meditating on when the pastor spoke about Proverb 6: 20-22, about parents' advice to children:

20 Keep, my son, the commandment of your father, and do not abandon the teachings of your mother; 21 Always tie them in your heart, tie them around your neck. 22 They will guide you when you walk; when you sleep they will keep you; They will talk to you when you wake up. Proverbs 6: 20-22 New King James Version (RVR1960).

This teaching that the pastor gave us in church made me reflect and help change my character and behavior with my parents. Now they are very happy because they have seen interesting changes in my life, now I am more obedient, I fix my room and I go home early. My father is more affectionate with me and very playful.

Thank you, I thank God for allowing me to make these important changes in my life and in my relationship with my parents.


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