More simple views of Lusaka, Zambia

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi again, dear Steemians, as we cope with whatever is happening with our beloved Steemit platform in the background and I try to post this on (with weird shifting of periods after hyperlinks to the end of subsequent sentences - yikes - don't know what this is going to look like or whether I'll be able to edit it if my edits here didn't work), I thought I'd share a few more shots of Lusaka with you just to give you more of an idea what ordinary Lusaka is like. If you read yesterday's post, then you'll know I took these in haste from the car between meetings.

[Edit update: try as I might, I can't get these headings to work although they were fine in the original Steemstyle version. I might give up.]

​While I would love to share photos with you of some of the leafier streets, and the spectacular hardwood trees lining them (especially since they were flowering in such a showy way), I didn't spend enough time in those areas of town on this last visit to give you a good sense of just how green Lusaka can be.

Since I can't share "green Lusaka" with you this time, let me share "modernising Lusaka" with you.

Driving around

What does it look like from the road?

Here's a typical genteel street scene, consisting of a decently paved road, walled-in houses and offices, well-tended gardens, and flowering trees (those purple trees are jacarandas just coming into bloom). Look how rich that red laterite soil is in the excavation. I'm not sure what the trenches were for; perhaps drainage improvement.

What you don't typically see are sidewalks, even though much of the population has to walk some distance to get to and from work. People put a lot of effort into keeping their shoes and clothes dust-free from their daily commute.

Where some people work

Here are some recently constructed office blocks.

Here is another office park in another area of town, with strong corporate tenants.

Where some people worship

And here's a newly constructed New Apostolic church in the suburb of Ibex Hill, not far from the (enormous, and unphotographable) American embassy.

​I'll try to get a shot of the Anglican cathedral when I'm there next. It's situated in spacious, treed grounds and produces the loveliest sounds on Sundays as the choir gets into full voice.

​## There are a number of different mobile money solutions

​Most people now have mobile phones, and use pay as you go systems. They also use mobile phones as a way of transferring money; often urban residents send money to family members in rural areas.

​Squint really hard at that green and blue stand. Whenever I saw one open, we were driving too fast for me to snap a pic, so please trust me when I said I saw many open during my five days in Lusaka. It's an interesting street-level financial services group, Zoona which uses "technology and entrepreneurship to bring about transformative change in Africa".

​Looking at these Zoona outlets and other mobile money solutions Zambians use, it's not hard to imagine that crypto-based apps could develop traction here.

​## People sell the most interesting things by the side of the road

​Yes, bedframes and a hatrack. In case you're wondering, although the rainy season hadn't started in earnest yet, there were quite a few drenching showers the week I was there. I didn't see anyone, er, attached to these bedframes so can only assume that they felt all was well under control in terms of their product potentially getting soaked. Or stolen.

​These columns would be harder to steal. Notice the new culvert by the side of the road - it will be a big relief for drivers and pedestrians alike once the rains start in earnest. Most drivers I've observed over the years don't slow down for puddles, so unfortunate pedestrians really get drenched. As far as I know, this is part of a large scale project funded by the American government through the Millennium Challenge Corporation to improve water supply and management in Lusaka, but since I didn't see any project signboards here, I stand to be corrected.

​## A random wind turbine

​This proved much harder to photograph than I expected - on the day I was alert enough to be taking pictures, the wind was pumping and this small wind turbine outside Samsung's office was spinning up a storm. At least in a photo, the lens captures the position of the blades in the split second the aperture is open.

​## Many, many new hotels and malls

​Those two boxy buildings are relatively expensive hotels, part of a South African chain now linked to the global Marriott brand, and built by a Zambian entrepreneur. While they might not be too attractive from the outside, they sit in a rapidly expanding mall area of Lusaka, in the middle of three malls, side by side. One is a more traditional Southern African mall undergoing a major overhaul and expansion, one is a banking mall with a couple of really nice restaurants (Indian, Thai and a pretty coffee shop for quick, inexpensive lunches), and the third is a big suburban mall with everything from Pick n Pay (a major South African grocery chain), to mobile network outlets, all the fast food brands you could possibly want (not moi) to a large home building/DIY supply outlet (Builder's Warehouse, for my South African Steemfriends).

South Africans will recognise a few well-known retail brands at this mall:

And this mall in quite an affluent area of town has an interesting anchor tenant - Choppies. Choppies is interesting as it was established by local investors in Botswana and has expanded subsequently into South Africa and the rest of the region. Usually we see South African brands moving outwards into the region - go Choppies!

More traditional malls...

I had to get a shot of this one because, well, maple. Said the Canadian, reminded of her former homeland currently celebrating its sesquicentennial. Say that ten times fast!

​## ...non-traditional housing complexes...

The gentleman driving me around was convinced this complex had been built by Chinese contractors. Note the solar water heater on the roof. I didn't have a chance to check if its orientation made sense.

...and quite an odd design for a commercial building

This place, Cheers, seems to have everything anyone could possibly want: Hypermarket - Café (avec l'accent, s'il vous plaît!) - Wines & Spirits - Bakery - Butchery. This building must have some pretty clever roof drainage with a design like that. I wonder how many rainy seasons it's been through (dry inside)?

​## And most of the traffic lights work!


Hi @kiligirl aka the girl with magical powers to write amazing posts, The sufferings and pains that you mentioned about the Steemit is something unbearable. I've been writing about it on different posts in my comment, also did a post on DDOS and then someone told me that the issue is not because of DDOS rather Steemit management is doing some updates and that's why the main site keeps down almost all the times. This is really annoying. When I had no option to post from the main site, I watched some videos on alternate options and chose because it was not paid one. I had to suffer from the same formatting issues because there is no preview in this site. The blind followers of decentralization are calling it good because this way, we would not be depending on a single website. People are amazing!!! Anyway, this is the real test of your magical powers but it seems as if solving this issue is not 'your cup of team'. No worries, you're still the Super Kiligirl. So, keep rocking.

Regarding this post, very nice write up like ever before. The photos are very good quality. Feels as if I visited Lusaka through this post. Wonderful job!

By the way, I mentioned you in my recent post. I hope you can find time to respond to it.

Regarding headlines of this post, just click backspace twice and it will work for you.

Stay awesome dear @kiligirl.

Steem On!

Thank you, @ugetfunded - how frustrating this is! I couldn't fix the heading problems no matter what I tried. 😢 SuperKiligirl fail!😜

I see many Steemians saying be patient with this, it's beta (I've heard myself say that too), but many of us have been patient for a couple of weeks now with close to no communication from Inc. I'm almost glad this has happened during a forced break in my posting, but I must say I get concerned about maintaining relationships when it's so difficult for us to communicate with each other.

Thank you as always for being awesome, @ugetfunded. I'll have a look at your post and I hope I'll be able to respond!

Steem on!

Hi Kiligirl, wonder of all things Afrika. No photos came through on our en, but it was nice to know that there are more formidable areas of Lusaka. So miss having a good chat with my friends here on steemit. We keep trying to post and connect. Much Love Super Kiligirl.... 🐓🐓

Oh no! Sorry about that, Ellie Mae!😱😱 Those photos aren't particularly beautiful, or even good photos, they were just supposed to give you an idea of what the place looks like.

And I've just realised half the replies to comments I posted yesterday never got posted 😢.

I agree with you - the part that makes Steemit special is the part where we get to share with each other, and now that's getting cut off in unpredictable ways.

Much love back to you, Super Mother2chicks 💚💚

Looks quite similar to South Africa! Same look and feel!

Indeed - I was wondering if any other #teamsouthafricans would feel that way! I'll need to fix all the formatting bugs soon. Looked ok before I posted it....😜😜

I like the way you write, by the way seems like you by mistake miss edited a few "headlines" just letting you know:) or maybe it was intended then I'm sorry. Anyways cheers and let's hope steemit gets back on its feet soon!

Thank you, @holm, really appreciate you taking the time to read to the end which is quite rare on this platform. You may have missed a tiny cri de coeur in the first paragraph, though.

Super Kiligirl you pulled off another post. Sure do miss having a conversation that I know will get through to you. Glad to see that Lusaka has some more formidable places to visit. Much optimism in play on my end, that this round of tech difficulties will soon be finished. Your friend Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Hi, Ellie Mae, the things we used to take for granted...posting...upvoting...resteeming...without having to watch the little wheel go round and round for 10 minutes at a time....

I do hope you're ok. It's hard posting these days, isn't it? It took me almost as long to fix the odd formatting errors introduced by pasting into busy as it did to write the post! And as you can see, I couldn't fix them all - never did figure out what happened to those headings. Perhaps I should put it back into Steemstyle and go through it all again.

I'm concerned for several reasons. You may have seen @surfermarly's excellent post yesterday on the reaction from Steemit. She articulated really well the frustration at the lack of communication. People like you and me who just try to post regularly, comment on each other's posts and upvote each other are really stymied at the moment.

So anyway, back I go to read me some Ellie Mae wisdom and catch up on your news in the hope we'll be able to talk about it in some way afterwards! How is the post Irma cleanup going in your neck of the woods? Have your neighbours managed to rebuild?

Much love to you, Ellie Mae 😘😘

Dear Kiligirl, so glad to have read surfmarly's post. I think it is going to take some action by bloggers with pretty high numbers or whales to see these problems resolved. Unfortunately, the whales have been kind of scarce as of late.
In the midst of several big projects here at the chicken ranch. Steemit van is all but complete. Just needs a backup camera and we are ready for a road trip. What route do you suggest is the most scenic to Afrika?

Working on the tiny house project. Which will be amazing when complete.
Been off for a couple of days, so knocking things out.

So glad some things are getting through even if it is twice. The swirling circle leaves me dizzy!
Love you my friend!
Thanks for always being encouraging.
Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Dear Kiligirl, so glad to have read surfmarly's post. I think it is going to take some action by bloggers with pretty high numbers or whales to see these problems resolved. Unfortunately, the whales have been kind of scarce as of late.
In the midst of several big projects here at the chicken ranch. Steemit van is all but complete. Just needs a backup camera and we are ready for a road trip. What route do you suggest is the most scenic to Afrika?

Working on the tiny house project. Which will be amazing when complete.
Been off for a couple of days, so knocking things out.

So glad some things are getting through even if it is twice. The swirling circle leaves me dizzy!
Love you my friend!
Thanks for always being encouraging.
Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Wow, you've been so active, Ellie Mae! Yeah, @surfermarly did encourage me in some respects, but the Steemit Inc guys have to be aware that they are running a business and we Steemians are their clients. They might think that venture capital types are the most important to focus on, and getting the greatest new development to market is the right thing to do - but never at the expense of their customers. I hope they pay attention to surfermarly, but I suspect their eyes are on what happens in their Slack and chatrooms, not with us, the lumpenproletariat. So yes, I agree with you about the whales and their scarcity.

But more exciting things: the van is nearly ready! Best route to Africa for the van? Ummmm...a plane...? Scenic, though - you could take it through China, the Gobi Desert then risk life and limb coming down through the Middle East and the Sinai Peninsula to start your Cairo to Cape drive. 😜 Or drive down through South America and get on a ship from Buenos Aires to Cape Town 😃😃. That would be fun!

Your tiny house project sounds amazing. Looking forward to seeing the pictures!

I hope you enjoy the passive aggressive swipe I took at the whirly circle thing. Drives me nuts too! If I didn't know that you were going to be reading on the other end, I'm not sure I would have put in the effort today...but it did make me feel better.

Give my love to Blue and the rest of the girls 😘😘.

And thank you too for always being encouraging. Much love, LD 💚💚

Wahoo Kiligirl, we are flying on here tonight. Whatever your Superpowers have done, steemit is working great! Think there were many unhappy people.

Yes, the journey to Afrika will take some planning. The steemit Van is an amphibious vehicle so no need for planes or ferry's. I have a really good mechanic that used to work on Pa's truck.

If you read the next couple of posts coming out soon you will understand my excitement about the van.

The tiny house is already so cute. Can't wait to snap some photos. Maybe by the weekend.

Tripped and nearly squashed the poor Blue chicken. It would have been quite a sight to see.

Keep sharing your stories as I am learning more every day about the other side of the earth!
Love from Ellie Mae🐓🐓

I'm so glad you got my comment, @mother2chicks! I thought it hadn't posted 😢. Will check out the van news 😘😘

I'm glad you enjoyed the beautiful weather. Through the pictures you made, I traveled with you :D

Your post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007

Keep it up!
All the best!

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Super Kiligirl you pulled off another post. Sure do miss having a conversation that I know will get through to you. Glad to see that Lusaka has some more formidable places to visit. Much optimism in play on my end, that this round of tech difficulties will soon be finished. Your friend Ellie Mae🐓🐓

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