Top 20 of Emerging Photographer of the Year

in #photofeed5 years ago

The for past few years I have been entering Capture Magazine's Emerging Photographer of the Year. Each year I seem to make it into the top 10 or 20 but I've never won. There are some truly amazing looking photos in the entries (and some not so amazing ones) so it's worth having a look if you're interested. Here is a link to the Landscape category in which I enter but I'm sure you can navigate to the other categories if you're still keen.

One thing I tell everyone that asks me about entering competitions is that you need to enter images that match the style of the competition. Look at past winners and galleries and only enter if you think you have something up to that standard and style. This particular competition requires a portfolio of 6 images. When entering a series like this, they all need to be of the same theme (whatever that may be) and of the same quality. There is no point entering 5 mountain shots with the northern lights and then 1 of a sunny seascape. Instant fail, no matter how good they are. Artistic abstracts also perform quite well.

Anyway, my point is, for this year I left it quite late to enter and I didn't think I had a cohesive series to put together from my favourite images from the year. But I still wanted to enter.
So, I kind of threw together a joke series (funny to me anyway) to see how it would go.

And here it is








So why is it a joke series?

Because I followed my rules and picked what I thought was a boring subject, shot in the middle of the day, handheld, while I was teaching other people photography on a workshop. I didn't set out to shoot a series of images for a competition, I was just snapping away and ended up picking these out months later. I spent about 10-20min picking out images and editing them to look the same. I called it Sand and didn't bother with a description because anything I wrote would have been made up crap to sound profound and wise anyway. I wanted to see how I'd go if I didn't bother to try so hard.

I made it into the top 20.

This really shows how consistency is key. As well as artistic aesthetics over technical skill is important.

This isn't a jab at the competition itself or the winners. I do enjoy entering and the winners of each category deserve to win with the brilliant sets of images they enter (even if I have some issue with aerial abstract constantly outperforming more traditional shots.) Here is the winning series from the landscape category

Intro Post
Instagram @kieranstoneau
Facebook Kieran Stone



Thanks so much, guys!

Cool. I did not enter this year but I did the year before. I do like the comp but as you say it does require a certain aesthetic.

I never really expect to win but it does make me think about how I shoot and producing a "story" of images.

How did you go last year? I think you entered a couple of different categories didn't you?

Yes I was highly commended in all categories I entered even wedding lol. But no wins !

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have you printed out those highly commended certificates and hung them on your wall for inspiration?

I think the lack of theme hurt my entries as you mentioned. As for the certificates I did send one to my mates who’s wedding was the only wedding I took photos of that year .

Posted using Partiko iOS

I like your joke series - it did make me laugh, as I found “anything I wrote would have been made up crap to sound profound and wise anyway” very profound and wise. ;)
Can I ask where this dune is? The sands look like exploding flour to me and are very light in color(I guess you edited them a bit but the original color seems to be pretty light too?). I just came back from the Sahara filled with orangish dunes and shot some similar textures.

Glad you like it!
It's the Big Drift at Wilson's Promontory. Lot's of sand to play with there 😁

Ah, I passed that when driving to those bays but didn't have time to play with sand. :) I was so impressed by Whisky Bay at sunset. Here's a photo from my phone:

Looks great!

DId you see my recent post from Whisky Bay?

I only just saw it. Nice long exposure!

They’re great sand photos 🙃 congratulations on hitting top 20 😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much!

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