Today's Weed News For November 1st 2018 #BERNIESANDERS

in #cannabis6 years ago


For today's weed news we go to the great state of California.

It is no secret that Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont has our back when it comes to cannabis reform. I'm sure many of you will recall that legalizing trees was even part of his, unfortunately unsuccessful, 2016 presidential campaign.

And now it seems that Bernie is back and he is openly praising all of the states that have already legalized weed.

Recently, California representative Barbara Lee held a rally to drum up support for her reelection, and Sanders was there to show some love. Bernie took the stage for about an hour and discuss topics such as Donald Trump's agenda, how he disagrees with it, healthcare, and of course... Cannabis.

"We have more people in jail than China or any other country on Earth, and we know that a part of that broken criminal justice system has been (a) grotesquely failed so-called War on Drugs... God only knows how many hundreds of thousands of lives have been ruined by people who receive police records for the possession of marijuana. And I am very proud that in my state of Vermont and here in California, we're making progress by legalizing possession of marijuana and in other parts decriminalizing it," said Sanders at the rally.

And as far as the topic of cannabis goes, that was about it.

To be honest, this kind of seems like the beginning of Bernie's next presidential campaign to me, but all in all I'm okay with his message.

I did some reasearch on dude, and found out that Sanders has always been in for cannabis law reform, even way before it was trendy, and before his 2016 presidential run.

It's good to know that we have at least some politicians in the Senate who have been open-minded enough to put the propaganda aside and make up their own mind about the world's most amazing plant.

Keep fighting the good fight Bernie... If I still had my voting rights I'd probably vote for you =').

And that's what's up with Bernie Sanders.


“Take Action Today to Help Legalize Weed Tomorrow” -Kief Preston



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