If you want to jump off the cliff, don’t stare into the abyss for too long

in LAKSHMI3 years ago

pexels.com/Garon Piceli

People who play golf often should have the same experience.

A beginner will pay close attention to obstacles, for example there will be puddles in front of the green on many courses, which will provide a good deterrent for fear of throwing the ball into the water.

Then, they will ask the caddy, how many yards can the water pass?

Anyone who asks such a question will often throw the ball into the water, and this rule has been met time and time again.

Older golfers don't, they will immediately ignore the existence of a pool of water and immediately ask the caddy how many yards the ball is on the green, so the ball will not only not go into the water, but will often hit the beautiful green.

This seems kind of idealistic, as if you didn't pay attention to water, water really doesn't exist.

However, this is indeed a psychological term called: the Wallenda effect .

Varenda is a tight rope performance artist. He's been known not to use any security measures, and he's never had an accident.

However, all of this ended in San Juan, Puerto Rico, He got into an accident and fell off the cable and died.

What is the cause of this fatal accident?

Is that too difficult?

No, the difficulty was the same as usual, and he had just fallen from the middle of the rope.

Is he not ready?

No, in fact, a few days earlier, he had started to ponder every move and detail, making preparations more complete than any show.

The problem may be precisely because he is too important to see this performance.

Because many of the audience this time are well-known American figures, and they also attract media attention. If his performance is successful, Varenda will be famous in history and will bring unprecedented fame and fortune.

Presumably, this was kind of motivation and kind of pressure, so he kept telling his wife before the show:

"This time it's too important. I can't fail, I can't fail. If I fail, it's over, it's over ..."

This was probably the root cause of failure, as Varenda paid too much attention to failure, instead of focusing on how to walk the rope as before.

When you want to win too much, you will often suffer from profit and loss, your attention will also focus on failure, all your behavior will become unnatural, and your level will not be able to appear normal.

Therefore, "failure" seems to have heard the call and followed, which is the effect of Valenda .

I often say that dialectics is everywhere, and the same is true of the Valenda effect.

It's good to want to win, but not too much. What's too much?

It's too scared to lose, you can want to win, but tell yourself that even if you lose, you can take it, and you can often avoid the Wallenda effect.

Of course for Varenda herself, her failure was to pay the price for her life, so she could not accept that failure. There is no solution for this situation. The best way is to stop the show.

For most of us, there would be no gambling that risked our lives, so you can tell yourself that the chances of failing this time are very high, but it doesn't matter, it's a big deal to start all over again.

This way, you will often achieve better results.

When I first started teaching, there was a Wallenda effect, and I was always afraid that if I didn't speak well, the students would be dissatisfied.

Therefore, pay attention to every detail and wording, however, it is often very blunt and the effect is very bad.

Then, I relaxed my request and told myself that I only chatted with students, and if none of the students stood up and scolded me, it would be considered a success.

As a result, it's very popular and the atmosphere in the classroom is great, everyone says it's lively and interesting.

Therefore, I also maintain this style.

The American drama "Breaking Bad" was a huge hit. When the media interviewed director Gilligan, they asked him the reasons for his success. She says:

“It's like you are throwing a paper ball into a trash can in the distance. Sometimes you prepare carefully, stay focused, and pay attention to your posture. Right now, you definitely won't be able to throw it away.

But if you just look at the trash and throw it away easily, you usually throw it in the ... "

The actual situation was the same, the "Breaking Bad" theme was a little too abnormal, and the team members felt it would end in failure.

Gilligan's attitude is very clear, think of it like play. He tells the team members, what opportunities do you have in your life to learn about drug manufacturing?

This mentality makes team members very open, and ideas come up. Anyway don't win any prizes, just shoot the game according to your own idea.

Who knows, the result will surprise everyone, "Breaking Bad" becomes Gilligan's masterpiece.

You see, we often say "Don't get tied down", which seems like a phrase for chicken soup, but it really isn't.

This means that you are dealing with those important matters with a normal mind, so that you have no distractions and do not worry about gain or loss.

For example, if you want to jump off a cliff, you only need to look across the beach, not at the cliff for too long

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