Tips : Become a trusted Person, Why Not!

in #life5 years ago

Image CC0 Pixabay

Become a trusted person is an important factor in establishing relationships with others, both for work and friendship. Being someone else's trust is not easy and not everyone can get it.

However, that does not mean you cannot get trust from others. If you try and commit to doing your best, then you can be a person who is worthy of trust.

What must be done to be a trusted person? Check out some of the following explanations!

  • Keep your promises
    To be a trustworthy person, you must be able to take care of the things you promised yourself and others. Don't disappoint others by denying the promise you made.

Even though it's a small thing, breaking promises can make other people no longer trust you.

  • Become an honest person
    Honesty is an important factor in gaining trust. Be honest with others about yourself, one of which recognizes your weaknesses and background when asked. There is no need to hide your past, because whatever your past is if you are honest with yourself, others will appreciate that.

This shows that you can be trusted in the future because you want to admit your bad things or mistakes to others.

  • Be open
    Being open does not mean sharing personal secrets with others. You must be able to tell which secrets do not need to be told and which important information needs to be conveyed. Open means conveying important information that you know. You also want to receive criticism, suggestions, new things, and be ready to accept changes according to circumstances.

  • Able to Maintain the Trust of Others
    Don't enjoy someone's secret or ugliness that is not right in front of other people. Maintain the trust of others that are given to you. Make friends with anyone, without having to vilify others while with your new friend. Maintain good relations with people who have trusted you.

  • Take control of feelings and emotions
    You will be more appreciated and trusted when you can control yourself. A person's emotions can change at any time according to circumstances. But when you are able to control your emotions, you are not easily upset when someone provokes, does not easily complain, and so on. Then other people will think of you as a positive person and an adult.

Become someone who is committed to doing positive things and trying to be better every day. These things will make you gain trust from others easily.

Original in Bahasa


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keep your promises and people will always trust you :)
great post my friend :)

Thank you my friend :)

you are welcome at anytime :)

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