Game Review 🎮 - Assassin’s Creed II: Ezio Auditore and Assassin's! [ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

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Hello Stemian! :)

Today I wanna talk about Assassin’s Creed again, are you have been read my post yesterday about Assassin’s Creed?
come on read that first and come back here! :)

Action as a kind mysterious killer is so much fun in Assassin's Creed 2. So many things you can do in this open world adventure-themed game. Now the question is: can this game be better than its first game?

The question above is a scourge that always haunts all the glowing games in the world. The first Assassin's Creed is so fun to play. The reason is very clear. The game brings an interesting and fresh idea in the genre of games with this type of adventure in the free world. Assassin's Creed 2 task to show a better game must be very heavy. However, do not worry! This game has so many exciting new features and will make you addicted to playing it. What makes it so interesting? you will know in this review!

Does this game have an interesting story? Of course! The story you will encounter in this game is still associated with the first game. You are still struggling with the life of a man named Desmond who was forced to live the life of his ancestors through a magical machine called the Animus. The machine was developed by a secret organization called Templar.

By living the virtual life, Desmond was forced to find the existence of a mysterious artifact that became a source of contention between the Assassin and the Templars. If you have never played the first game, it's good you buy the game and play it to know more clearly the interesting story of this game series.

In this second series, Desmond successfully released from the grip of the Templars and work with the Assassin. This time, you will live the life of one of the Assassins who resides in Italy. A young man by the name of Ezio Auditore de Firenze. Ezio is the son of a prominent banker in Italy. Because of the high-level conspiracy within the government that had been infiltrated by the Templars, his family became a fugitive of the authorities. At that moment, Ezio just learned that his father was an Assassin and he became the heir to the profession of the underground world.

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The story also affects the form of the game you will meet. You will initially act as Ezio who does not know anything about the Assassin profession. As the story progresses, you will be taught various methods that help your new job. For example, you will learn about the importance of mingling with the crowd to eliminate your enemy's suspicions. You simply approach a group of more than three people and you join the group.

The group is usually divided into two types, which are silent in one place and walk following a certain route. Very useful when you have to approach a closely guarded target and by chance, the group you follow passes the target position.

Another thing that you will learn regularly are some methods to silently kill your opponent. For example, you can jump toward enemies who are walking on the streets from the roof of the house and stabbed him. You can also hide in the haystack and pull the enemy who happens to walk near the hay. This method is very useful to eliminate the enemy without leaving a corpse that can attract the attention of other enemies.

You can interact with enemies you've defeated. As an Assassin who prioritizes silent attacks, you can lift and hide the bodies of the enemy. You can also do the opposite, putting the corpse in a position that attracts the enemy's attention so they leave his guard post. In addition, you can also check the corpse and take the items it carries. Usually, they have a small amount of money and some other items that can help your adventure.

Money is an interesting feature in this game. You will often use it to buy combat equipment, such as protective clothing, weapons, healing remedies, and artwork to beautify your home. Yes! You have a home that you can complete a variety of artwork in this game! Not only that, you also have an area that can be developed in order to make money! The more buildings you have restored in your area, the more tourists who visit the area. Indeed, you have to sacrifice quite a lot of money in advance. However, all these sacrifices are worth the result.

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The form of the game that is characteristic of Assassin's Creed can still be found in this game. You can climb all the buildings that can be found in this game. Sometimes, the building is so high that you can see the city as a whole from its peak. Remarkably, all the buildings you can see from the highest peak are shown in such detail. The change of time from day to night accompanied by changes in the weather further reinforces the impression of life that continues to run in this game.

Another thing that is still maintained is the way you eliminate the fog on the map. At first, the game map is still closed and you can not see the details. You should look for a tall tower marked with the eagle logo inside the map and climb it up to the top. Then, you perform an action called sync. The action is useful to match the memories of DNA between Desmond and Ezio. In other words, opening the map and showing the various activities and key points on the map. The activities you can do are many types and they all provide attractive rewards.

Are you interested in the activity? Yes! You must be interested in that! Who does not want to get a compelling reward? Imagine: You can earn money by beating a husband who is unfaithful to his wife! Or simply by delivering a letter with the specified time. Then, you can also hunt for hidden treasure that the location guidance can be purchased at the painting shop. These activities are a few examples of activities that will accompany you when not running a major mission.

Another new feature that is no less interesting is the ability to hire helpers to complete your mission. For example, you get a mission to finish off a traitor surrounded by many tough guards. Suicide his name if you attack the guards immediately! Especially when you are also given additional instructions that contain you should not look directly kill the target. How to? Simply lease additional staff consisting of fighters, thieves, and girls seduction. Let the fighters finish off the guard while you finish the target. Or order a thief to steal the guard's money and they will abandon the targets they watch. Want a smoother way? Instruct the girls to steal the watchers' attention and you can carry out your duties casually.

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Then, how is the fight in this game? When you fail to perform your duties professionally, fighting is the step that follows. Various types of weapons you can use in the fight, such as swords, knives, hammers, empty hands, to bombs! Every enemy has body endurance points that you have to kill to defeat him.

However, that does not mean the only way to defeat the enemy is to keep attacking him until his endurance runs out. You can fight in a more elegant way, using the counter-attack method. Simply press the hold button and while the enemy weapon touches your defenses, simply hit the weapon button. The enemy will be instantly defeated with one attack only and you can see a cool attack animation.

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One thing you should be aware of in this game. The enemies you will encounter are of various kinds. Ordinary enemies do not have the advantages that you need to be aware of. However, there are enemies that have great body resistance and there are also very agile enemies. These types of enemies can be easily seen from the equipment they use.

If you can not defeat the enemy you meet, the last way is to escape! Cut off the enemy's view that chases you by running into the crowd, maneuvering through the winding corridor, and running on the roof. You can also use an interesting new trick, throwing money into the streets. The crowds around you will fight for the money on the streets you go through and the chasing enemies will be hindered. Interesting way!

However, this game also has some disadvantages that are slightly annoying. You still find boundaries of areas that can not be skipped. The same case as found in the first game. In addition, you must also always connect to the Internet to play this game. Simply troublesome and make gamers who do not have an Internet connection cannot play it.

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Thank You & Best Regard @khalilmuza

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Steemit Gaming @khalilmuza.jpg

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The Assassin's Creed games are lit. I'm currently still running through Assassin's Creed Origins which so far is one of my favorite ones in the series.

I'm currently following all Assassin's Creed series, the last i play is Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
For Assassin's Creed Origin, i think i need more time to play that, my PC not reach minimum requirement, i must buy new one with high spec :).

AC II and the story of Ezio Auditore da Firenze in my personal opinion the best of the AC series :)

For stories i'm agree with you, but the latest game of Assassin's Creed include more improvement and better graphic, Assassin's Creed origins has amazing Graphic.

No wonder;) Difference 10 years;)

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