How Did Things Get Done!?

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

I'm listening to my favorite podcast - the Joe Rogan Experience - and Joe has Nick Kroll on. I know Nick Kroll from the show "The League" which was hilarious (though it kind of fell apart in the later seasons in my opinion).

Anyways, there's something about the way that Joe can break down such a fundamental idea that fascinates me in such an insane way.

They were talking about treasure hunting and agents robbing clients and what not, but then they made it to the subject of letters and traveling a few hundred years ago.

They started by talking about how people used to immigrate to the U.S. and how crazy it was that they would get on these wooden boats made out of trees and then ride over here and arrive and then send a letter back home to their families.

How crazy is it that they would send this piece of paper thousands of miles across an ocean back to their families to tell them that "they made it" .. that they were "finally" in America, the land of the free!

The crazier part is what Joe says next:

The patience that people had back in those days is incredible when you compare it to the impatience of today.

Joe said that he often gets emails from people who will send a follow-up email just 1 hour later asking if he got the first email!!

"Calm down dude!"

From my own experience, I have people who text and call me and I'm the kind of person who waits until it's my utmost convenience to respond.

A lot of my close friends and family will get mad at me for taking so long to respond. Sometimes I'll wait a few hours or even a few days to respond to one of them (unless their message says that it's urgent that I call back right away).

Why shouldn't we all be a little more patient? Why shouldn't we respond and do things when it's on our own convenient time?

What I know for an absolute fact is that if I responded to people right away all the time then I would never get a single thing done. I would never be able to read, write or do any of the other things that I enjoy.

My time would be plagued by responding to people constantly!

The next point that Joe made is really funny to think about and that's what I'll leave you with:

Imagine a future where we're integrated with technology directly in our brains (Joe thinks we are about 20 years away from something like this)...

People are going to look back at how we communicate today and think to themselves:

"How did they get anything done back then? They had to text message each other and email each other in order to communicate? How weird is that!? We can just think about someone and then send them our direct thought instantaneously and receive their response within seconds..."

What a funny world that would be, am I right? Imagine if you had to hear all your fellow Steemians thoughts instantaneously 😂

Source: They start talking about this stuff @ 17 minutes in the podcast if you're interested!


People hearing my thoughts instantaneously would no doubt get me in a lot of trouble. I imagine this would cause a lot of problems unless we would somehow be able to control which messages get sent and which don't.

Lol I know the feeling!! I imagine that we would come up with some sort of filtration system. Or some sort of permission type of system - kind of like how 2 people have to agree to talk on the phone (by one person sending a request to call and the other accepting the request)

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