new events hit the nation of Indonesia

in #psc6 years ago


Helmet is for the good of the motorcyclists itself. victims keep falling due to head injury happens when , forcing the government to require any motorists to wear a helmet a good to travel distance and a short distance. not only for the purpose of protection or protection alone, but also for the purpose of aesthetic wearer helmet.

let's look at some of the usefulness, benefits, kindness or function of the helmet for motorists on the Highway:

to protect the head of the clash of the current accident

what happens if suddenly we bouncing on the bike is speeding? Likely our heads will hit something when landed whether it asphalt, Stone, guardrail, trees, grass and so forth. We can not imagine if we fell to the position of the head first on hard objects as can cause of death.

Protecting Eyes from Wind, Dust and Dirt and Hardware

Try to race your motorcycle as fast as possible without using a helmet. It certainly would not be comfortable driving that way. There are many inconveniences that can lead to an accident if the motorcycle ride without helmet that there is protective glass, which is like:

  • The eyes of the dust and dirt so it is difficult to see clearly
  • The head may be injured if exposed to a cough or fall of hard objects
  • A strong wind can cause dangerous bell's palsy disease
  • May damage the lungs if constantly inhaling fast-moving air
  • Face, neck and hair will be dirty and look messy when arrived at the destination

Protect the Head from the Hot Sun

Did you know that the constant sunburn of our skin can have an adverse effect on the health of our bodies. Our skin can get very dangerous skin cancer. Not to mention the skin can be burned by the sun so it will feel uncomfortable

Protect the Head from Wet Water Rain

When it rains, the helmet will help us to keep our heads, faces and hair dry. The combination of a rain coat suit, boots and helmet is enough to conquer rain when driving on a motorcycle.

Prevent Traffic Police Traffic

It is a regulation that must be known together that every motorcycle rider is required to use SNI national standard helmet so as not to be counted by police on the highway

losses do not wear a helmet

1 can be ticketed by the police, because wearing helmets is required in undang undang dasar (UUD)

2 in the event of a disaster will be dangerous if the impact head of the likelihood of death pick you up


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