The Less You NEED, The More You HAVEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #need7 years ago (edited)

People in nowadays or may be always have been either aware of or thinking about what they do not have in life rather than realizing what they actually have. We have the urge to get more and more until we die. We lack of that moment of realization which can tell us that we don’t need to waste our energy in running after those things which are not really our necessities for daily life because it only gives us more responsibilities and pressure for nothing. Now let’s see what I mean.

People out there, who are reading this article who dreams of leading a luxurious life, please do not misunderstand this fact. Everyone in this world has certain dreams and goals and we definitely need to work hard for achieving it. But my point is it shouldn’t be only money, cars, houses or the ability to use particular brand of products. It should be more than that. If we analyze our passions we must get something that we want to do in life which certainly includes our skills and talents.

We keep thinking about how we can get more where we should be thinking about what we have within us which can prove us unique. We fail to identify our skills due to wanting more of materialistic objects. Being multimillionaire will not make one happy forever though a lot of us would be thinking that is does. Well, you’ll someday get bored of the feeling I’m sure if you don’t have something to do that you love. So the idea is having the passion of your life makes you rich, it can even give you the feeling of being fulfilled because doing it makes you happy even if you are broke.

If we count what we have been blessed with as a person rather than those materials we possess, I can guarantee you are on the right track. But if you only find happiness in materials, I don’t think your happiness is permanent as monetary value changes and it’s always not worth it. If you deeply think about the persons who you follow as your idol or you are fan of, they are definitely talented on some field and they are passionate about it. Bill gates, Einstein, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Newton, Steve Jobs and lot more have or had their own passion and I can pretty much be certain about the fact that their love for their passion brought them to the position they are. They never ran after the materialistic happiness rather they found the happiness from their passion and they became successful.

Last but not the least I want to complete this piece of article with a real life example. Think about a half filled water glass. Now if your thirst can be entertained with that half glass of water, you should then concentrate on that rather than being concerned about where is other half glass of water and how you can get it. We don’t appreciate the fullness of our lives, what we do is complain about the emptiness which is created by us. If you are one of that kinds’, then maybe it’s time to stop and rethink.

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