SEC-S17 /W6| "🌸What do you prefer to do in your leisure time?"

Reading at leisure times Pixabay Image

My leisure time

leisure or spare time is that time when a person is not working. Its the time we rest or change activities to avoid becoming bored doing the same thing for a long time.
For leisure, people engage in a variety of tasks like dancing, singing, reading, writing and playing a game or solving a puzzle. For most people, leisure activities do not generate revenue but may consume it in the process of having fun.

🌸 Reading a book or listening to music?

For leisure activity, between reading a book and listening to music. I prefer listening to music on a head phone. This is because it's more refreshing and requires less work compared to reading a book.
This is because I don't view reading as a leisure activity. Though I have a friend who takes a spot in a green field and read as a form of leisure activity. Reading requires more energy compared to passively listening to music and enjoying its melody and lyrics.

Listening to music

🌸 Social media, using Instagram or Facebook?

Choosing between Instagram or Facebook, I do more of Facebook but left on my own, I will drop into my steemit account and interact in the comment section of my friends post. Leisure on steemit as a social media platform is more rewarding and educational.
It allows me to interact with people and learn new things from them.

Responding to comments. Pixabay Image

🌸 A movie Night with friends or family?why?

I would spend the time with my family. Maybe watching the movie with them. It is very refreshing when cooking a delicious meal for the family.
Why I will prefer spending the time with my family is because it gives me the opportunity to know them better and appreciate the gift of family.
Such are opportunities to bond, strengthen existing bonds and appreciate each other.

Cooking for the family Pixabay Image

It is at times like this that you get to learn a new recipe for a delicious meal. This is when a relative can show you how to cook it, learn a new procedure for getting something done in the kitchen.

🌸 Keeping a pet at home, Cat or Dog? Tell us the reason. OR If you prefer to spend time in the lap of nature and planting ☘️, then let us know?

Grow and care for a plant Pixabay Image

I love to use my hands to grow useful herbs and plants in the garden around the house. It is very good use of leisure time, so relaxing to wash the crops grow and monitor their progress and development. Up to the time for you to enjoy the fruit of what you planted. It takes away the anxiety that comes with worrying about yourself to thinking about the crops you planted. Its a very nice way to relax.


Leisure is switching from duty mode to relax mode while still engaged in activities but this time, they are activities that makes you feel better.

Contest invitation

I am inviting @udyliciouz, @martinoski and @uzma4882 to use this opportunity to evaluate their leisure activities and see how you could get the most out of it.

To read more about me


El ocio es la mejor forma de relajarse, realizando actividades que hacen sentir mejor. Me encanta como utiliza su tiempo libre, como escuchar música, cultivar plantas, pasar tiempo con la familia y usar Facebook, je je je es genial.

Gracias por la invitación, te deseo éxito

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Hello dear @kesybliss! growing plants in leisure time is wonderful. It is a relaxing activity that nurtures both plants and the soul.Its offering a break from daily worries.Goodluck

Hola amiga escuchar musica siempre es un momento ideal para nosotros yo a diferencia de usted me gusta escuchar musica a todo volumen no me gusta escuchanla solo para mi, la verdad es que asi como nosotros preferimos escuchar música muchas peraonas prefieren leer libro y llenarse de conocimientos.

Entre estas dos redes sociales Instagram o Facebook prefiere facebook auqnue cuando esta en steemit prefiere quedarse donde obtine muchos conocimientos mas creatividades que descubrimos.

 2 months ago 

Am so happy you love nature too. I love farming and it's one thing i enjoyed doing growing up. Listening to good music is very good and it's beautiful you love to see movie with your family to strengthen family bond

Spending time to worry about crops is so rewarding. As you see the crops grow, it is very satisfying and fulfilling. I just love it.
And I love your comment too.

 2 months ago 

Thank you 💕

Rightly said or there should be such extra activities in life in which we can find some time for ourselves because our whole day is busy we can't give time to our loved ones and family but when we have such If we all get a chance to watch a movie together with our friends and family, those prayers are highly appreciated because in it we share the happiness with our loved ones that we are busy with our work throughout the day. reading books in free time is also a very good activity and increases our knowledge. Books teach us. Books themselves are a great teach
for us as a society. They help us❤️

Reading really requires more energy compare to just listening to music. When you read, you will need to pay good attention in order to understand what you are actually reading.......

And spending time with family also helps one to understand and know your family members better and it also helps to strengthen your bond.

Best wishes✨🙏

 2 months ago 

hey dear your choices like listening music, movie night with family are very good. I suggest you to read books with listening music. It relaxes us very much.
best wishes

Thank you for this beautiful suggestion. I will try to sandwich the two and see how it feels. I have my reading time and it feels like work and not relaxation. Maybe it is because I read school and work related things.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try with a story book.

 2 months ago 

I have my partner in crime here so to speak. We share the same excitement listening to music at our leisure. It's very much heartwarming. As I'm talking to you right now, my ears are tuned to cool music which I'll use to sleep on this night. Thanks for sharing your preferred activities in this post. Looking forward to reading more of your post big also note that leisure time is not a time you aren't working because chatting on Facebook is considered a work but not a stressful work 😂😂

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