Music Review #2 | The Meanings of "Kun Anta" Song: Be Yourself

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Kun Anta is Arabic having the same meaning as "be yourself" aka be yourself. Kun Anta, sung by Humood Al-Khuder, became popular in Indonesia thanks to a handsome cops on Youtube who lip sync using this song. This song is also popular among lovers of modern Middle Eastern pop songs.

I myself love this song because I feel motivated to be confident with my circumstances and appearance. In addition, I think the joyful rhythm of the song "Kun Anta" will also be very fit to be the soundtrack in the moments of welcoming Eid as it is today.

Anyone who has never heard of the song? Here is the video clip. Plus, I also provide lyrics in Arabic script, pronunciation, and meaning in Indonesian. For the lyrics of this song, to be honest, I need the help of a special blog translation international song. But do not worry, the meaning will we peel together, Artebianz!

🔸Music Lyirics🔹

لأجاريهم, قلدت ظاهر ما فيهم
Liujarihim, qoldat tu zohiru ma fihim
When I want to compete with others, I want to imitate the outer and inner manifestations.

فبدوت شخصا آخر, كي أتفاخر
Pabadautu shakhson a-khar, kai atafa-khar,
So I may be the only one to be proud

و ظننت أنا, أني بذلك حزت غنى
Wa zonan tu ana, anni bizalika huztu ghina,
and I thought if I did like that I would be able to surplus

فوجدت أني خاسر, فتلك مظاهر
Fawajad tu anni kha-sir, fatilka mazohir,
But what I see is a loss on my behalf.


لا لا لا نحتاج المال
La la, La nahtajul ma-la,
We do not need any treasure

كي نزداد جمالا
Kai nazdada jama-la,
to add beauty,

جوهرنا هنا
*Jauharna huna,"
inner beauty is here

في القلب تلالا
Fi qalbi talala,
in his heart he shines.

, لا لا نرضي الناس بما لا
La la, Nurdhin bima-la rice,
we do not need to look at the views of others for what is not there,

, نرضاه لنا حالا
Nardhohu la na ha-la,
which does not suit us,

, ذاك جمالنا
Za-ka jamaluna,
that's our beauty,

يسمو يتعالى
Yasmu yataa'la
growing up to the top.

Oooo ... oooo ..

كن أنت تزدد جمالا
Kun anta tazdada jamala
Be yourself will definitely add more beauty that has been there (2x)

Lalalala ...

أتقبلهم, الناس لست أقلدهم
Attaqabbalhum, anna-su lastu qalliduhum,
Indeed I accept them but neither do I imitate their character

إلا بما يرضيني, كي أرضيني
Illa bima yurdhi-ni, kai urdhi-ni,
but what I have received I am pleased.

سأكون أنا, مثلي تماما هذا أنا
Sa accountu ana, mithli tamaman hazana,
I want to be like myself I am this I am

فقناعتي تكفيني, ذاك يقيني
Fakona a'ti takfini, za-ka yaqi-ni,
I feel this is enough and I'm very sure

(Return to Reff)

0oo ... ooo ... oooo ...

سأكون أنا, من أرضى أنا, لن أسعى لا لرضاهم
Saakunu ana, man ardho ana, lan asa 'la liri dhohum,
I will be following my ability I do not need other people to accept me

وأكون أنا, ما أهوى أنا, مالي وما لرضاهم
Waakunu ana, ma ahwa ana, ma-li wama liridhohum,
I will be what I like why I need to care about their acceptance of me


(Back to reff)
Lyrics Source : Kun Anta

A Profile of Humood Al-Kudher

Kun Anta is sung by Humood Al-Kudher, a young Kuwaiti singer who is also on the rise in the Arabian peninsula. The man born in 1989 is famous for being very productive making singles. In addition to many award-winning musical art, Humood has also released many videos over the last decade and completed his first album released by Awakening Records.

From his video clip, it appears that Humood is not a conservative Arab. He can adapt to trends. Not surprisingly, Humood was born from two highly educated parents. His father was a doctor in England, and became a person who supported Humood in his musical career. Humood is a peace-loving person. He also wanted to spread his religious peace messages in a beautiful and moral way through his songs..

...........................THANK YOU..........................


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