The Articles of a Blockchain Government


Corruption Crime and Central Governments

My goal for this post is to talk about a new form of government for the future called a blockchain government. Maybe you wouldn’t even consider it a government, but its a new idea for how society can be ran. The idea of governance and government has changed dramatically throughout history. It has allowed for the organization of populations and aided in technological advancement. Unfortunately it has also been used as a tool to control the people. Corrupt and ill willing governments have been the direct cause of war and misery all throughout history.

Humans are imperfect creatures, therefore it’s difficult for us to create a perfect system. Human greed, complacency, and ignorance lead to catastrophic events and corruption in many systems. It’s important to note that not all people posses these qualities. But when you have populations of millions and billions of people, this group starts to grow rather large. No governmental system that exists or has existed is free of these negative qualities. Some countries and systems are worse than others, but it’s time we start thinking about the future and how we can improve our society and systems. This post starts a discussion of how we can improve these situations and conceptualize a blockchain government.

The Evolution of Governance


Governmental systems have evolved through three distinct stages throughout known history. These systems have shaped history and how society has operated. Tens of thousands of years ago humans settled in small groups or tribes. These small societies were usually organized and ruled by a small group of elders also called the village chiefs. These groups were focused on survival of the tribe and usually the well being of everybody. Since their main goal was survival, there was usually no overabundance of resources to act as a source for human greed. Of course not every case was the same as tribal warfare would have occurred in cases all around the world.


As the agricultural revolution began, population centers began to grow. Land and food became the most important and valuable resources for humanity. Those who had an abundance of land, labor, and food had the most power. This was the beginning of monarchy based systems that ruled over human civilizations. Ruling thrones and empires became ambitions for evil men who would use the power to ruin the lives of millions of people. Therefore empires grew to be vast from bloody conquests of power. This system was in existence for the longest time until technology started to advance with the industrial revolution.

Central Governments

During the early and mid eighteenth and nineteenth century resources grew far more abundant. Innovative technologies allowed for the advancement of communication and industrialization. Real estate and food no longer became the most valuable resources in the world. With factories and taller cities springing up everywhere, knowledge and bureaucratic structure became the most common forms of power. This fact led to the transition from divine right based monarchies to the common place central governments we still have today. Many of these are a large improvement over corrupt monarchies, but they still have their many problems.

The Information Era Government – Decentralization

Central governments were created out of the Industrial Revolution. However humanity has advanced from the Industrial Age into the Information Age. It’s time that we examine and improve the systems that govern and control us as a society. This is a large step to take, but I think that it will happen eventually to progress humanity forward through the twenty-first century. We need a governance system that is not susceptible to corruption due to human greed and complacency. This is a problem that blockchain technology has the potential to leap forward and solve. The creation of a blockchain government can rid us of many of these problems we currently face.

This technology enables the creation of a network of millions of secure nodes represented by the people. The data for a governance system would need to be tamper proof and efficiently transferred. This system would directly represent the people in the system and it will adapt to the radical changes in technology we will be facing. Blockchain government can also be the backbone for the Information-Era economy which we are seeing the transition into now. The blockchain based system would not be directly susceptible to bribes, greed, and fallacy. No human based system of governance can be as righteous as it should be, that’s why we need to add technological elements to keep society running for the good of the people.

How Blockchain Can Enable Freedom

This post isn’t an overview of how an entire blockchain based governance system would work. But I do want to outline some potential ideas that could help this idea to work. The first of these is to program a basic set of moral and ethical guidelines for how society operates. Think of it as a programmed bill of rights that cannot be overridden in future operations on the system. If the systems operation and rules were to be governed by the people, this means that they could not make unethical decisions if they conflict with the existing moral code. This would help to prevent a large majority of people from ruling society or causing harm to other groups.

This system would drastically increase efficiency of traditionally held roles by the central government. Bureaucratic systems of our government bring about a lot of inefficiency for its essential roles. Programs such as disaster relief, welfare, licensing, and many other departments are riddled with these problems. This system would be integrated with itself and people working along with it to create a smarter governing system.

Adapting to the Twenty-first Century Economy

Technology has already dramatically changed within the last twenty years. Automation is widespread and jobs are being removed from the economy. In the past, job shifts have occurred between industries with the increase in technology, but this time there may be nowhere to go. This is going to be a massive problem for society, but it’s something that blockchain based governance can help with. This system is ideally built to adapt to massive changes in technology and acts as a framework for people to provide value to. This system could provide functions for people to fill so they can find their place in society and take their share of the abundance of resources from expanding technology. A blockchain government would be directly compatible with cryptocurrencies to create an efficient medium of exchange.

It’s been predicted that we are approaching a technological singularity within the next few decades. This is a point where technological advancement becomes so advanced that our comprehension can’t keep up with it. A possible scenario is where an artificial intelligence is created where it can program itself to be even smarter with repeat iterations. This would quickly create a being of incomprehensible capabilities, and it could be the start of a technological singularity. This event could either be really good or bad for humanity. For this post I will remain optimistic and say that it will be great. We would need an economic and governmental system that can adapt to this drastic event, and I don’t think that our central governments quite fit the bill.

Additional Material (If you’re interested in learning more about blockchain government!)

IBM – Blockchain for Government

Governing – The next big technology for government

Hackernoon – Blockchain for voting and elections

This content was created by me for use on and We do not offer financial or investment advice. This material is for information and educational purposes only.


I like your vision and your optimism. I always think that a lot of society's problems wouldn't exist if human nature wasn't so flawed. So, if blockchain technology or a blockchain government can negate greedy, self-centered and immoral human activity, bring it on. I share your optimism and really hope that we're heading for a better, fairer, more equal future where everyone benefits from a new abundance.

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