in #shortstory7 years ago

Raymond sits on his bed reading a newspaper, before long he folds the newspaper and drops it on a desk located beside his bed, he then looks at his electronic clock, the clock reads “10:30pm”, Raymond then claps his hand twice, immediately he does that, the bulbs go off, Raymond lays on his bed, prepared to take a good nights nap. The electronic clock soon reads “12:45am”, and a heavy sound of music, emanates from the middle of nowhere as the very foundation of Raymond’s bed quakes. “What the hell” says Raymond to himself, getting off the bed. He soon leaves his apartment and walks up to the door of another apartment, he then proceeds to knock the door, immediately he knocks the door, it opens “What’s up, what can I do for you” says the man who opens the door, “I want to see Scott” says Raymond, “I’m not getting in, I just want to see Scott briefly, could you get him for me please” says Raymond, “Sure” says the doorman, closing the door a little as he leaves.
Before long Scott appears at the door before Raymond, “What’s up bro?, any problem?” says Scott, “Well there’s a little problem, I’m trying to sleep and the sound from your apartment is kinda noisy, so I was just wondering If you could reduce the noise” says Raymond, “Yeah, sure, why not, anything for a sleepy head” says Scott, “I don’t know what your last statement means, but thanks anyway for your consideration” says Raymond, “Don’t mention it” says Scott, who shuts the door close. There seems to be calm and quiet, while Raymond walks towards his apartment and shuts the door close behind him. As soon as Raymond walks into his bedroom, the heavy sound of music from earlier ago, comes back to life. Raymond is infuriated “You’ve got to be kidding me” says Raymond angrily. Scott drinks from a bottle of Vodka, a big party goes on, in Scott’s apartment, young men and women dancing to the loud music. The occupants of Scott’s apartment and Scott himself seem to be having a good time. There’s a knock at the door, but everyone seems to ignore the knock, the party goes on, Scott is soon asleep on a couch in a sitting posture due to drunkenness. Before long, the door of Scott’s apartment is pushed down to the ground, there at the entrance of Scott’s apartment, stands Raymond with two guns in each hand, he then suddenly shoots two occupants of Scott’s apartment, a woman screams, people try running for their lives but to no avail, Raymond walks into the apartment and starts shooting at everyone. While he kills the occupants of the apartment, the radio which is located somewhere at the sitting room of the apartment, keeps producing music. When Raymond is done killing everyone, he shoots the radio with one of his guns, he then puts each gun at the gun pouch of his right and left hand side. He walks over to Scott who’s still asleep, bringing out an enveloped letter and a thin rope from his pocket, he ties the enveloped letter around his heel.
Raymond then leaves Scott’s apartment. That night, Raymond lays on his bed and sleeps peacefully. The next day, Scott awakes to find dead bodies in his sitting room, “What the fk” Scott whispers to himself, “What the fk happened here?” says Scott getting off the couch, he feels something tied to one of his legs, he turns his head downwards and sees an enveloped letter tied to his right leg, he unties the letter from his right leg and opens the envelope afterwards, he brings out the letter and reads, on the body of the letter is written the following words, If you’re reading this you’re dead. “What the f**k?” whispers Scott to himself in wonder, suddenly the apartment in which Scott stands is engulfed in an avalanche of flames. Scott and the dead bodies are consumed by the sudden explosion which leaves the apartment covered in flames. Desmond is in a vehicle driving, he then puts on the radio of his car, out of the radio emanates an instrumental of the famous song from American rappers, The Game featuring 50 cent, titled Hate it or love it, Raymond listens to the instrumental as he drives his Audi A8 automobile along the busy streets of Miami, Florida. Raymond gets a flash back of what he did earlier in the morning; In the flash back, Raymond puts a time bomb in an oven in Scott’s kitchen. Raymond who’s driving, hands on his steering wheel, looking straight ahead with a blank face showing no emotion, suddenly smiles.


Wtf! @kemaemina I understand Scott was an idiot, but Raymond...the guy's a psychopath! Anyway, nice story! I felt like i was watching a movie.

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