ColorChallenge: MondayRed - Red Bird

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

male has bright crimson red cape, black mask, red throat, abdomen and red chest, gray back, black wings, black tail and black beak. The female and young specimens are ash gray and a little red in the abdomen.

It feeds especially on insects that it hunt usually in flight.

Nikon D7100 Camera, Nikkor 120,400mm lens.

ISO 400; T. Exp. 1 / 1600sec; F. 6.3

Without tripod, without flash, slight trim for framing.

Clarification: I am not an expert in birds, the information could contain error.

El macho tiene copete rojo carmesí brillante, antifaz negro, garganta roja, abdomen y pecho rojo, dorso gris, alas negras, cola negra y pico negro. La hembra y los ejemplares jóvenes son de un color gris ceniza y un poco de rojo en el abdomen.

Ampliamente diseminado, a menudo común en áreas semiabiertas con arbustos y árboles dispersos, regularmente alrededor de viviendas y edificios rurales. Habita hasta altitudes de 3000 msnm.

Se alimenta especialmente de insectos que caza en vuelo.

Camara Nikon D7100, Lente Nikkor 120,400mm.

ISO 400; T. Exp. 1/1600seg; f. 6.3

Greetings and may God bless you.

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Nice bird :)

You like ?

Its beautiful, it looks like a baby phoenix

Nice picture, I’m following you now.

such a beautiful bird lovely rich colors

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