Destroying Old Garments

in #steemitcentral5 years ago (edited)

*Put Away *
Part 1.…...

Each break of dawn births a new beginning like the rising of the sun it's beauty can be likened to a blessing .
To be on life' s new page has to close the old page .

Remember old ways can't open new doors .It is true that 99℅ of man's problems are manufactured solely by him.

Success stair Way's are all thin imagine carrying heavy loads ...How would you climb?

You can't fly even if you carry an aeroplane on your back ...that is where our theme comes in ....*put away *

There are things to let go order to come out fine as Gold in life ...

1.Wrong thoughts : negative thoughts births wrong steps in life ..
The thought of you failing before making the move makes you fail eventually when you make the move.... So erase those ugly thoughts.... You have the power to control what you think.

*positive thinking births possibilities *
Your thoughts defines you and your takes in life .proverbs 23:7.

2: Bad habits : every man has a good or bad habit...and these things hinder one from attaining heights in life should satisfy your needs not your wants ...because man's wants are insatiable. For example: you are an impulse buyer (how can you save ?) , you love red wine can take up to 3/4 bottles in a day when your budget is tied to a bottle of soft drink a day or once in two days will you survive or save for the rainy days ...have you ever tried calculating how much you spend a year on this alone? ..

Come to think of it ...some have not just one habit just imagine !

Living an unplanned life is a huge shortage or I will name it a setback.
cut your cloth according to your cloth and not your size in order to succeed*

3: The bad attitudes : Character problem is a capital problem ..Good character will take you where degrees can't.

Henceforth cut your excesses ...mind the way you treat people around you..the way you talk ,your attitude towards work and life as a whole .
You can start now on yourself to be a better version of you can build a better world for you and your generation.

You can't achieve all these alone ...go for counseling , read books , study the word of God (also get closer to God , Because in him alone lies true perfection) , pray , listen to grace filled divine messages... God bless out for the part 2 of *put away *



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