Why You Should ALWAYS Be A Perfectionist!

in #life7 years ago

Perfectionism is very damaging to every aspect of your life! It can prevent you from getting to your goals. It can prevent you from even trying! Which is why you should ALWAYS be a perfectionist.

High Standards Are Important

When you have ridiculously high standards that are so high you'll never hit them; You will spend all day feeling like a total failure.
That's a good thing! Because it will encourage you to work even harder! Having high standards for everything you and other do, Ensures that everyone will always disappoint you. It will encourage you to do everything for yourself, And never ask for help. Because No one will do anything even half as good as your standards!

The Fear Of Messing Up

Being a perfectionist means you often won't have to deal with discomfort Because your fear of messing up will be so big that you will avoid trying anything new! So instead of living with that uneasy feeling of not knowing what is going to happen next. You will always have a pretty good idea of how things will turn out Because you'll do the same thing each and every day for the rest of your life.

You'll be the King/Queen Of Procrastination!

Perfectionism and procrastinating go hand in hand.
Why would you want to do something that you're supposed to If you're going to feel like absolute crap when you don't hit your super high standards? So you are more likely to procrastinate! But don't worry! That can be a good thing; You'll never have to worry about anyone feeling intimidated by you Because you'll never get ahead of them in the craziness of life. People will always rely on you to be that sad friend that has no direction!

You Will Look Lazy

When you are a perfectionist, You may often look lazy. Because you can't bring yourself to get going on anything, And if it's not perfect you'll slow down and struggle to make each and everything perfect.

People from the outside will see you as a lazy person. Which will make your life easier, People will have lower expectations of you. So the only person who has incredibly high expectations, Is you.

It's a Mindset!

If you aren't a perfectionist But want to become one. This is a mindset that anyone can adapt to your life! It's a matter of practice! Just start making sure you do EVERYTHING perfectly! And never settle for less. This will allow you to become all the traits I discussed above!

Joking! Do the opposite!



When I First Read The Title , I was like " No I disagree". But After reading the content now I get it. I will ALWAYS try to be a perfectionist. :) JK

LOL!!! Hahha I'm glad! Being a perfectionist can be really bad hahah.

Not recommended if you ever want to sleep again ;)

I think being a perfectionist can be very important for certain jobs. It's not only a negative thing, it's also a quality of a person. Being always a perfectionist can be problematic indeed :).

Wow I didn't think of it that way! I agree in some situations it can be a good thing hehe :)

Sometimes when starting with something new, one shouldn't think too much about it and just do it. Overthinking often leads to a passive way of life!

intuition my friend :) great things happen when you follow your intuition
Best Of Luck

Right? hehe

agree 100% Overthinking is so bad for our mental health, and also inhibits us in so many ways.

That's why alcohol is the #1 social drug. Actually it should be naturally possible to get the talking going on, but it's so much easier in a late night and makes a lot more fun haha!

Aww so true! hahah I didn't think of it that way! No wonder when I'm nervous I sometimes like to order myself a drink.

Try to cut out alcohol for 3 months. Then you can bring it back into your life. In the 3 month period you will see the dramatic effects and habits it will bring in your life^^

Nice post
Positivity reflects in your post
Good job
Keep it up

This almost perfectly describes perfectionism. It is a ridiculous notion put in place by our failing education system that relies almost exclusively on the rote level of learning (the lowest possible activity that can be considered learning).

I'm like...Eh, okay, I'll read this. Glad I did. And glad to know you aren't a perfectionist. I like you even better now. :)

'Perfection' to me is, I walk away from a situation and say, 'I did everything I could do right there. There was nothing more that I could do.' I was a hundred percent, like the meter was at the top. There was nothing else I could have done. You know? Like, I worked as hard as I possibly could have. That's perfection
thanks for sharing,
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You're quite cheeky, my dear. 😊

THank you ehehe :)


I will never good enough :'(

Aww you will! Maybe lower what you expect of yourself a bit!

I'm just playin ;)

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