A Canadian folk song worth listening allllllllll the way through

in #openmic7 years ago

One of my (many, often disjointed) goals is to revive the authentic "folk song", especially Canadian ones. When I went on tour last year out to the very Eastern tip of Canada (Newfoundland), I brought this song with me. It's a relatively new one (written in the 80s by Stan Rogers), and hearkens to the deepest Canadian identity: we come from a long line of fighters--people who knew what it was to fight, sacrifice, and care about more than just our next latte, people who knew what it meant to live at the edge of death for often years on end in order to really live.

Please commit to really listen to the whole song--we so rarely do that. Give it its deserving time!

Lyrics below.

Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea;
Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea.

Westward from the Davis Strait 'tis there 'twas said to lie
The sea route to the Orient for which so many died;
Seeking gold and glory, leaving weathered, broken bones
And a long-forgotten lonely cairn of stones. [Chorus]

Three centuries thereafter, I take passage overland
In the footsteps of brave Kelso, where his "sea of flowers" began
Watching cities rise before me, then behind me sink again
This tardiest explorer, driving hard across the plain. [Chorus]

And through the night, behind the wheel, the mileage clicking west
I think upon Mackenzie, David Thompson and the rest
Who cracked the mountain ramparts and did show a path for me
To race the roaring Fraser to the sea. [Chorus]

How then am I so different from the first men through this way?
Like them, I left a settled life, I threw it all away.
To seek a Northwest Passage at the call of many men
To find there but the road back home again. [Chorus]

Xx, Kay

Follow @kayclarity for more videos, my own music and poetry, articles about life and Steemit, and the ongoing discussion of reviving quality in the arts and saying NO to dross.


Sorry to bug! I just thought of you and your videos! See my last two posts, I blogged about a new platform that's similar to YouTube but with a #Steemit mentality that will help you earn crypto (LBC)! It has great reviews and I think you will most likely benefit from it!

That's not bugging! That's amazing to hear. Will definitely check it out! xx

I know some people get upset if you suggest something like you might be trying to sell to them haha But I know with the quantity of videos you churn out you might as well make something from them!

I listened allllllllll the way through, who couldn't with a voice like that. Thanks for sharing!

You resteemed, too! Thank you! :) xx!

So much yes to folk songs! You are so gifted!🌿 If you ever record a folk album please let me know!

Thank you! No folk record, but I have free/by donation downloads of a bit of my own work--check it out if you're interested? www.kayclarity.com :)

Thank you! Going there right now!

From a similar tradition to many British folk songs of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as more recent revivals of the traditions here. Keep curating those tunes, a mission worth pursuing :)

As expected, I loved it!

you have a lovely voice...beautiful song :)

Felt like something that should have been in a movie like Moana or something... Just what I needed to listen before going to bed. Beautiful vocals and I really enjoyed watching and listening to you play that guitar! :) I'd play this on loop for a bit on a long drive haha!

Sounds great. What a voice.
Oh, please only use the openmic tag for entering the Steemit Open Mic contest.

But also--no problem. I actually decided earlier on today to start categorizing under "music" for the most part.

Thank you! Honestly, thought it was for the competition but also a general tag. Seems like it is being used more and more generally--thoughts?

Wonderful! Kay, you're a great musician! Keep on posting :)

Thank you soooo much! I appreciate your kindness :) xx

Yaass! Beautiful work! (and yes, listened to the whole song)

I wrote one folk song when I was really playing guitar a lot. Reflected my ole days of wanderlust. Unfortunately I never did a final recording because vocals were...lacking. Maybe I'll upload the acoustic by itself one day.

Thanks for sharing @kayclarity!


Thank you so much for listening and for your kind words! I'm curious about it now..would you consider posting the lyrics here so I could read them? I promise a humble 5-6 cent upvote! :)

That would actually be generous, seeing that it appears I can only offer 2 cents. I appreciate it! I'm digging through a lot of old music now so when I find it I'll post it and let you know :)

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