Climate Change And Global Warming Is Real And The Earth Has Already Started Reacting.

in #self-power5 years ago

Weather and Climate

In general, the climate is a term that refers to the average weather conditions of certain locations over a period of time. Weather is the measure of atmospheric conditions over a small period of time while climate is a measure of conditions and behaviors of the atmosphere over a long period of time, generally 30 years or more.

There are various natural factors that determine the weather in particular areas such as sunshine, rain, cloud cover, winds, hail, snow, sleet, freezing rain, flooding, blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms etcetera. And the climate is nothing but the average of such a change in atmospheric behaviors over time and space.

Climate change

Before diving into climate change, let's talk about the Earth's climate system, how does it form and work?

Basically, the Global Climate System forms with five major components that are connected in an open system. Namely, those components are:

  1. The Atmosphere (air)
  2. The Hydrosphere (water),
  3. The Cryosphere (ice and permafrost),
  4. The Lithosphere (earth's upper rocky layer) and
  5. The Biosphere (living things)

The components of the global climate system

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Various interactions between these basic components of global climate system gives rise to the Global Climate. And the significant, long-term change in the global climate resulting in new weather pattern refers to the climate change. Hence, climate change can be both warming and cooling of the earth's surface, and other induced weather patterns. Although Climate change and global warming are two different things, these days, these words are used interchangeably because the resulting long-term effect is warming than cooling.

Global Warming

The increase in Earth's average atmospheric temperature is global warming.As I mentioned earlier, nowadays words climate change and global warming are being used interchangeably because the ultimate long-term result of modern climate change is global warming.
The whole scenario of global warming is surrounded around the simple theory of the Greenhouse Effect that most of us have learned at our primary school course.

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The Greenhouse Effect

Basically, the Earth's climate system receives heat energy from the sun and the climate system also radiates heat energy to outer space. This outgoing heat energy is lesser than the incoming heat from the sun which keeps the Earth atmosphere and surface warm making it livable for us. Various greenhouse gases like CO2, H2O that form an outer layer of the atmosphere play a vital role in absorbing energy and re-radiating them to earth. This is how the natural greenhouse effect occurs on the Earth's surface.
However, in reality, the sun isn't the only source of energy on the earth. There are other various sources of energy present on Earth so the temperature of the climate system rises to a higher level than that of the expected making it more warmer. Which is one of the reasons for Global warming?

But today the natural greenhouse effect has intensified more and rapidly which is also termed as the human enhanced greenhouse effect. Due to human activities, especially emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases from fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and land-use change, the layer of greenhouse gases(especially CO2) has become denser and denser every year. Humans are responsible for adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at a rate far greater than it is removed by natural processes, scientists have concluded, is what is heating our earth which causes global warming.

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution

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Impacts/Effects of Global Warming

Climate change and global warming are probably one of the hottest topics in recent years. Some are more serious about it while some acts like this aren't even real. In my opinion, people have different views and agenda on the basis of where they have come from and what they want us to believe. But for people who have faced the consequences, this has already become a serious threat and will only increase in the future.
There are various recent pieces of evidence that scientists have concluded as the effect of climate change. I want to list them out in a few points.

  • Rise In Earth Temperature: 2019 was the hottest year of the century and global temperature is going to rise more in future years.
  • Glacial Retreat: Glaciers are retreating all around the world. The Himalayas is also melting including the Mt. Everest(the highest peak of the earth);Everest is Melting, Revealing Tons of Garbage and Human Bodies
  • Rise of Sea level: Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century and is accelerating slightly every year.(Source:
  • New pests and diseases: Well, let's take an example of coronavirus which have already killed more than 60 peoples and affecting thousands, spreading rapidly.
  • Changing ecosystem: Increasing the frost time, inefficient rainfall, etc

These are just a few examples to show how global warming is affecting the world. Actually this list can go endless actually because we may not see the direct impact yet the consequences are everywhere in every geographical area.

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What can be done to solve the Global Warming Problem??

In my opinion, it is impossible to fully stop the problem of climate change and global warming as the damage has already been made for decades and we only started talking about it when nature has started reacting against. The industries and technologies we are relying on today is almost unreplaceable anyway sooner as we can not stop them as it has alrady bcome lifestyle.
But if counties and governments come to agree on some consensus to minimize the production of such greenhouse gases only then this can be minimized, which may increase the life of the earth. But as I said there is no permanent solution.


Great work my dear. I like your writing.

But know that there are ways CO² can be removed from the atmosphere artificially and naturally.

Nice work✌

Posted using Partiko Android

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