Walking the sculpture route in Meinweg

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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On some days there is nothing better than taking a nice walk with the dog in an environment where you are not familiar with as yet. Even in your own country you can find tons of awardwinning trails, and you don't even have to look that far to find them.

This time the Meinweg trails in Limburg, Holland were the destination.

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The Meinweg area is an area on the Dutch German border in Limburg where recently big fires had burned down big parts of the meadows. This was only a couple of months ago, and at this time you were hardly able to see it anymore. Nature had taken over again turning everything green and back to normal. Crazy how resilient nature can be actually, right?

The sculpture trail

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Now in general in these nature area there are more than 1 trail to be found, so with a little research you can find the trail which fits you best easily. We decided to walk the Sculpture trail which was about 6 kilometers long. It was not the longest of trails ofcourse, but it was really diverse and that makes it cool. And the other part of the sculpture trail?

The sculptures along the line ofcourse. Made out of wood and found here and there to also guide you that you are going in the right direction were easy to be found? Pretty? That you can decide on your own ;)

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It is cool though that the trail gets like a theme in there, that I must say. But for the scultures themselves?? Nehhh, not really.


Ofcourse there is more to a trail than just walking. These parts have nature at its finest and one of the things I saw was this bee-hotel.

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Bees are the workers of nature ofcourse and this was a really cool hotel for them. So not just a box where they usually go in just to make honey, but really a piece of art with all kinds of holes in there for them to play around. Talk about happy bees right there!

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Also you were able to see that autumn was starting to kick in already with mushrooms starting to grow everywhere. On the tree I am not so familiar with, but they fit right in on this barchtree.

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It is also the season for the little purple flowers on the meadow. You can see them everywhere at the moment, and when the sunlight is just perfect, these are really a joy to watch. I think a lot of people plan on going to the fields in the beginning of September just to witness these purple fields. Which I understand, they are beautiful!

The Train

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I guess at some point in time there was a train track here between Holland and Germany. God knows how long it has not been used already anymore, but they still left it there. I also don't know if it maybe is too much of a hassle to take it away again, but actually it looks pretty cool, and it is also a piece of history there.

I just hope it didn't have anything to do with WW2 and Germany and train tracks, because that would be kind of creepy. Let's just keep it on that it is a piece of history. And that makes this some urban exploring.

A drink afterwards

Hiking makes you thirsty and luckily there is a cabin there which can provide you with any kinds of things. With a takeaway part and a part with service there is something for everyone available as you please. I really liked the background decor with the wood in there. Also something which I would like to apply in my house as well!

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There were also spots outside for picknicking and even where you could bring your own stuff and host some kids birthday party. I guess this makes this a setting for everyone.

Also inside the cabin there were more cool elements. Don't you think the kids would just love these little tin men?

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I really liked the walk on the Meinweg honestly, and found it a shame I had never heard of it before until now. Holland still has so many good places to discover, and I will continue to do so!

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