More plans for my garden when the weather decides to start behaving itself. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฆ‹

in #life โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

I had to cancel my shopping trip out today due to our pup Luna being poorly through the night. She was sick twice and had an accident in the house that she couldn't help, she was up and down all night. She would go to sleep for a little while then wake up and move, this went on until early this morning. I decided to stay in and look after her so hubby went shopping with his mum.

I looked after Luna until Nichola got in from work. Luna then decided she didn't need me anymore so moved over and sat next to her mum. She has kept her food and water down and now thankfully back to her mischievous self.

I thought being in the house all day i would get time to pop into the garden but the weather has been bad again Very windy & Cold. I hope the strong winds haven't caused any damage to what i have already done.



I received a few more things i had ordered that i want to put in that corner. I ordered these Butterfly's from Amazon, i only ordered 1 packet as wanted to see what they are like. I will be ordering more as the quality is really good.


They are going to sit on the fence to brighten that area up. They are made of metal and very strong. Only ยฃ8.45. Very happy.

I also ordered these from Wish, they were ยฃ2 including postage & packaging so wasn't expecting anything spectacular but they surprised me how nice they are. They are smaller than expected but will look perfect glued to the Bee & Butterfly houses.


Life would be so much easier if i could order good weather. Unfortunately we have been forecasted bad weather with possible snow for tomorrow. Its not looking very good for me to get my garden moving any time soon.

Thank you son-of-satire

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Poor Luna hope she's fully recovered, and yea the weather is too cold again for my liking but good idea with the butterflies and bee's, just dont get the real bee's confused with the fakes, someone might try and prank you.

I think the real bee's will realise who the fakes are lol the ones that don't buzz :)

Typical kids, as soon as Mum comes home, stuff whoever has been looking after them, and cleaning up after then, There's Mum, and gone.
good luck with the weather, just remember, there are no butterflies or bees flitting around in the snow, they are too wise for that, so you haven't really lost any time.

Its just me wanting to get things up and running. This weather had better sort itself out before i lose my temper.

Whatcher gonna do? Go up to the North Pole and kick Santa in the bum?
Lay back, enjoy another fine product from Tennessee, and wait it out.
If your next summer is like the one we have just finishing, you will be moaning about the sun and the heat

I don't mind the heat if i have gardening to do and now i am thinner it wetting be as bad, hopefully by Summer I'll be able to wear just about nothing haha :)

we want the plants to grow their normal colour, not all blushing pink.
good on you with your size reduction, nice to see it is improving your life

Its helping me get around a lot here but now have less padding to keep the cold out :)

That is where your new wardrobe comes in, and you can shed it as the heat increases.

I will be slimmer for the sun coming out :)

Here's to hoping you get that good weather!

Thank you :)

Glad Luna is better, now maybe the weather will follow. :-)

Thank you. I hope so too :)

I wish I had some good weather to send your way, but, we are looking at yet more snow. There have been avalanches in the mountains already. I like the butterflies and bees. Hope Luna feels better.

Luna is back to her naughty self. I hate snow, its annoying. Fingers crossed we both get some warmer weather soon :)

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