Domestic violence; A disease.

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Why did you cook salty food?! Why did you not cook?! The pap is too watery! Why this, why that. Before you know it, a thunderous slap lands on the face, battering ensues, blows are thrown, faces and hearts are broken.

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Domestic violence has become like a cankerworm that has eaten deep into our society today. I tend to ask, what really is the cause of domestic violence? Some say, women should control their tongues, some others say submission is the key, but i ask, is there really a solution for domestic violence?
Some people I have come to understand grew up in violent homes and it has become a part of them that no matter the level of submission, just at the slightest provocation, fire and brimstones will start raining.

I live in an area here in Abuja where people live closely together and also interact very well. You hear a lot of stories or even see for yourself the kind of abuse women fo through in their homes.

It seems there's a pandemic around here I think to myself, a pandemic that has affected the men folk here because all I hear and see is how men abuse their wives or even go to the extent of marrying two wives even without having so much to give.
Some of these women endure these abuses all because they do not believe in the concept of separation. If you leave your husband's house, you are not a virtuous woman. Crazy right? Until they find themselves completely broken or even worse, dead.
My advice has always been to flee from such abusive homes because your life and your mental health is at stake, the mental health of your children as well.

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To the men, learn to control your anger, if an argument gets too hot, leave the space for the moment. If you are a woman who talks to your partner like he's worthless, i advice you desist from doing so.

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In conclusion, Ephesians 5:22 says Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. The same Ephesians 5:25 says Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it.
Thanks for reading.
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This is an eye opener.

Thank you for this

I am glad you learnt a thing or two.
Thanks for reading.

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