VAMPIRE VEGGAN/ Cap 1 / English

in #comic6 years ago




YuY- tell me Red ... what was your most shameful experience?

Red- mmm ... I do not know, do not make me talk about this.

YuY- Come on. Tell me.

Red - why do you want to know that?

YuY- because you know my most embarrassing moment.

Red- that does not count.

YuY- Hey! Of course it counts.


Red- that does not seem embarrassing, it was the most beautiful moment of my life ...
[that day ... it was the last day I saw him.]


Lima- hear guys ...
Where are we going to mine?

YuY- I think we have already been in the giant of free hugs.

Lima- What if we go to the giant sitting?

YuY- no, the truth about the appearance of the ancients scares me.
I think those things will come alive, and they will eat us.

Lima- do not be silly.

Red-girls, today I can not accompany them, I have to accompany my sister in the data mining. I promised to work with her today.
YuY! ... I feel you in my heart.

YuY- I also feel you in my heart.

Red-bye, please wait for me tonight.


Lima- the storm of empathic pheromones between you two is huge.

YuY- What do you mean by empathic pheromones?

Lima- come on ... do not tell me you do not understand.
It is obvious that the two are empathizing.

YuY- do not jump to conclusions.

Lima- you're right ... besides the banans are a bad choice.
I heard they are asexual ... How can someone not like sex?

YuY- mmm ... you're wrong.
The Banan breed reproduces asexually.
That does not mean they do not like sex.

Lima- I had not thought ...
Do not tell me you've already done it.
But if you never ...
with him ?!

-(YuY remains silent with a subtle smile)-

Lima- tell me, how was it?


YuY- I was ashamed that he saw me without petals.
So we decided to do it inside the token.
No generators of worlds, no physical projection.
When you are in the token you can not see yourself.
Your empathic aura is the only thing that is, and that is the only thing you can perceive.


YuY- I could not see him, but I could feel his presence.


YuY- We played to find our bodies.
I could only feel his body, and the love that emanated from his aura.


YuY- It's like he's surrounding me.


Red- So this is the place you told me about.
You know that this is one of the most explored ancient cities of all ...
Do you really think we'll find something new in this city?


Violet- I knew I would find it ...

Red- do not tell me, it's about your theory of the god of the ancients ...
You already told me that the ancients worshiped this being, they raised their hands in worship when it generated a giant energy ball.
And that like us, all its rasa is a symbol of plant species.
I still do not believe it, it's too coincidental ... it even has our same kind of fruit peel on the head.

Violet - we're not here because of that ...
I want to YuY to know what his name means.

Red- its name is from the language of the ancients.
I told you before, I know many of the ancient languages ​​... and the only element that matches the name of a giant robot pilot that existed in the era of the ancients.
We waste our time searching in this city. We have already tried it in the past.

Violet- it's not that.

The parents of yuy were data miners, just like us.
And before dying they specified the name that YuY would have, at the time of sprouting.
His name is not that of a pilot of a giant weapon. They hated the war.
His name can only mean something that can not be described with words.
And it was at that moment that I remembered ...
The language of the ancients was too limited. They were unable to convey empathic messages the way we do.
You told me that they used a type of communication layers to convey these emotions.

Red- Yes ... they were called memes.

Violet- What existed before the memes?

Red- the emoticons ...


Violet- I think YuY's parents discovered the origin of these empathic symbols in the ancient alphabet. But I do not understand how it works.

Red- and you intuit that this poster is a clue, is not it?

Violet- I have searched for a translation and the only one I find is twice the ideogram "Tū", meaning Convex.

Red- I think you're looking too literally ... is not that some kind of symbol?
Wait a second ... there is a term used by the ancients.
They called it Pareidolia.
I think the most important of all this is between the parentheses.
Perhaps if we look for the name of yuy in parentheses, this is related to the Pareidolia effect.
(A series of results appended to a new discovered word is displayed in the search: "絵 文字")


Violet- you just discovered a new word ...


Red- no ... we've discovered both.
Violet - this will be our gift to YuY.
Red- The emotion that his parents transmitted in his name.


[tears of happiness]


I liked the effects you give in the drawings :)

Thank you very much, please subscribe for more chapters

sure I'll subscribe for more :)

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