11.23.17 - Karma Map Part VI + Etheric Machinery

in #spirituality7 years ago


Etheric Machinery (or Physical Machinery?)

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are celebrating it today. I hope you all have an abundance of things to be thankful for. <3

Admittedly, I have been stumped about this part of the work. Although I can read possible future timelines in a more personal sense, and I understand the implications of my actions now in creating them, I have never read so far into a future timeline that my consciousness has been assimilated into artificial intelligence LOL Or so I thought! This is new territory for me, and the mathematical/technical type paradigms are not my strong suit. Usually research helps, but in this case, the research kept doing basically what AI does… branching out into more and more complicated areas that my brain struggles to connect.

Not only do I have to struggle with viewing the mechanisms themselves (where they are, what they do), I also have to understand who/what they work for, and what is the overall purpose of them.

I’ve been asking for more guidance on this and hadn’t really gotten anything (except that the more important focus is not the etheric machinery itself, but the original karma which will hopefully correct what is going on with this).

I was shocked this morning though, when I logged on to see my YouTube updates, the first video listed was Rise Together – “You are an A.I., you live in a blockchain—and here's how to fix that”

Wow, could a message be more literal than that? LOL

I believe she’s right…the future IS here already and I’ve been viewing the situation incorrectly. I transcribed a few points, but the entire video is excellent and worth watching. It’s a slightly different angle of the things I believe, and what’s at stake.

4:02 "The opposition can see humans emit their thoughts. We all have a very unique energy signature. We are easily identified. You know...the fear that we're going to be chipped, you can relax because no chip is required. We've already breathed enough nanoparticles, we've already got the chips in us and we have had for a very very very long time."

5:12 "Because of that [AI tracking] we have to use code language and talk to each other right out in plain view...and it has to be done in a way that is uncrackable by a really smart computer." (personal note: Language of Light)

6:58 "You're not going to be able to grasp it with your analytical mind. you're going to have to grasp it with a combination of your good sense - your mind, your wisdom, your heart, your whole entire original human being."

9:17 "...You could call it the AI, probably the most accurate descriptor is the non-original human that lacks the breath of life from first source of life essence, that's really what we're dealing with because human tissue has been used to create this control system... That entity does not think in terms of natural law terms. It's not capable of moral reasoning. It's not capable of knowing what the right thing is based on heart."

11:00 "This freedom movement is not about bankers vs. the people or governments vs. non-government. It's not about that. It's about original humans who possess the breath of first source of life essence coming into responsibility for their own being, because right now that's being run by entities that do not possess the breath of life from first source of life essence."

19:11 "[At the original creation of humans]... some of the beings ended up with the breath of first source of life in them, and some didn't. And the ones who did were WAY smarter, so the ones who didn't [have it] got jealous and started fighting the ones who did. So what we're talking about, the first AIs happened way back when, before we were even embodied. The physical body is what is considered Archonic. The physical body is AI. In that sense, we are all AIs."

20:36 "So how do we know we have that [breath of first source of life]? If there's one single human molecule in you, you've got the ability to build on that, you've got the ability when your thoughts feelings and actions are in perfect alignment and integrity. Then you have access to the full power you were meant to have. You have access to becoming fully you. That's love, that's integrity, that's morality, that's natural law."

22:30 "The AI created the blockchain. ... You can go to the myth of Sophia and see that. So we're talking mythology here. Apply metaphor to what is happening. The blockchain is Your cities and your counties, that's the blockchain. The blockchain got created a long time ago. Think about it. So the cryptocoins and all this stuff is a minicosm of what is happening on the macro level on earth. This stuff is done so that you can understand. You are being presented with a truth that took place a long time ago. Nothing new about AI. Nothing new about DNA being placed on computer chips. Nothing new about DNA computing. That's us."

27:44 What has happened is that DARPA, part of the military, has technology that allows them to block the human pineal gland and insert a virtual reality. And the virtual reality that has been inserted, may be helping us free us because it's blinding you from what you'd be seeing otherwise which would probably cause you to go crazy. So because humanity has not come into full conscious awareness of who we are yet, we've been living in a holographic world. Corporations are part of that hologram. Religions are part of that hologram. Governments are part of the hologram. And when we're able to manage consciousness beyond those things and come into these bodies that you can conceivably say are AI bodies, when we bring our full beings into these bodies, those holograms will go away. And we're on the verge of that now."

This is more the context I am used to working in…. as in, machinery just being an energetic structure that can easily be dealt with using the right energywork. I believe what I am dealing with may overlap some with this, but what is showing up is different from what is described here. I think it’s worth including for informational purposes:

From AscendPress:
What is machinery? Machinery is what one’s ancestry created as the serpents that should have held the space between up and left for an animated dance in the unconscious; as this occurred, one may have constructed machines to suspend a particular vibration at a particular time in one’s ancestry. As the field is rewoven to have proper serpents holding the positive and negative lay lines of the field and form, the machines are no longer necessary and can be dismantled. This occurs as one recovers the blueprint for the weaving of form held in one’s more ancient ancestry and before the “fall in consciousness” occurred within any given vibratory bandwidth.

Ascension Workbook I p. 80
Generally there are mechanisms that cause regions in any field to spin poorly.
The mechanisms can be associated with programming or spells, but are more
likely to be associated with etheric machinery. Etheric machines have come to be as soul and angels became bored with the human dance and created machines to spin the DNA, chakras or move the energy so that they could focus elsewhere in a dance that they enjoyed more. By and large, humans at 2 strands are so highly mechanized that there is no soul or nonphysical remaining other than fractured bits of soul known as personality; the personality is small enough to fit between the gears and straight lines of the etheric machines that soul orchestrated so that it could vacate the form.

As one ascends, one moves into a new structure of field rotation that precludes machinery. The new rotation is much like the consciousness symbol in the Language of Light; there are three spheres that rotate around one another. There are no edges to cut up soul; so soul can dance with a field of triple spheres that rotate and not be diminished, fractured or shattered. Soul has a hard time dancing with human fields that run straight lined flow as it shatters their non-physical fields causing a fall in soul consciousness. Therefore as humans ascend into a rotational field precluding mechanization, then soul can return to the dance with human form in the physical.

What do the machines do? The machines lock one into a particular polarity of thought-form or beliefs. The polarity then attracts a life dream that is associated with the beliefs that one holds. One then experiences the life dream that the machines attract. This is different from spell, which is a web of non-moving energy that locks in a particular set of beliefs in the field as well. In order to transcend polarity and embrace the Language of Light, one must remove both the machines and the spells within the field associated with each segment of fear based beliefs that one holds.

How does one remove machines or spells? Intention. One intends to release and erase the regions that the machines or spells hook into or cross through the etheric body. As one erases where the machines or spells are hooked into the etheric body, the rotation of the chakras and subtle bodies dissipates the rest of the spell or machine from one’s field. It is for this reason that having a daily sun bath, walk or swim is so useful in ascension, as in the physical activity, the chakras and subtle bodies rotate faster allowing what one is releasing to be spun off in greater ease.

De-mechanizing the field is a large part of the ascent to 3000 strands. As those ascending to 3000 strands continue to remove mechanization held inside the etheric body, then soul can more greatly infuse the vessel entering the lotus energy flow of the heart, pelvis and crown. As soul can enter the moving energy systems of the chakras, subtle bodies and lotus, one may begin to have clear guidance from within from one’s soul, oversoul and source. In the meantime, one may rely upon muscle testing or messages from the personality. One can also intend to hear clear guidance from Earth.

Earth reaches into the field without fear of being fractured. Earth energy pervades the kundahlini and field running through the mechanization and spells. This is because Earth is such a large body that the human machines cannot really have any affect over her consciousness. Long before one may have clear guidance from soul, one can have clear guidance from nature and Earth. This guidance comes through the Earth frequencies that one can pull into one’s heart and then listen; listen to what Earth or nature has to say about one’s ascension. Because Earth energy pervades all things upon Earth, Earth will understand one’s intimate and internal dance, as she is a part of it all.


An excellent source of information, especially on global ascension events and NAA manipulation, is Lisa Renee of http://www.energeticsynthesis.com Her work is a derivative, and in my opinion more easily accessible, version of Keylontic Science. KS is an interesting subject in itself. Again, the highly technical sort of material is not my favorite way of doing personal energywork (though I understand when talking about alien/AI technology, scientific & mathematical verbiage is to be expected. It is very useful to be aware of the different types of intricacies and manipulations of energy from those who DO work in a technical AI paradigm. I view it just like learning about black magick - not to use, but to be informed of how it is used against others). I think the technical material, especially that channeled from certain entities who may or may not be who they say they are, is easily hacked and manipulated. This is why there are volumes and volumes of work about hijacks and manipulations on this level. 😉 I’d rather work on the levels – as outlined in the Rise Together video – myth, metaphor, intuition, soul, art, the human elemental spark… things that are not so easily messed with.

Here’s what Lisa Renee’s Ascension Glossary says about some topics related to what I’ll be working with, and in my particular situation I feel is more applicable than the SSOA material. What I found was very different than what I had in mind (which goes to show the levels of interference at work also…it never even crossed my mind that the other things I have dealt with recently are connected in a very real, physical way) :

Nanotechnology weapons such as Morgellons are self replicating hollow fibers that are designed to read out the light finger print code of the DNA of the person infected with the Alien Implants technology and transform it to a signal that is detectable to be tracked, tested and harvested. It appears to be self assembly nano bot technology related to transhumanist agenda of the Archons for artificial light harvesting.

It is clearly how the Negatives have been accessing carbon elements to control matter forms, including control over genetic expression of the human body. This programmable Alien AI has infected carbon material and is what has taken over the platonic solid Dodecahedron and related pentagonal geometries that build time space constructs. These time space constructs are instruction sets in the morphogenetic field that run into the Ley Lines of the planetary body. This is how they have built artificial realities and false Timelines and projected them into false holograms.

Starseeds, when we stay in our heart we are capable of holding anchor for the highest frequency levels of the liquid plasma of our Cosmic Christ Consciousness, and thus, destroying this alien black goo without violence. This new understanding of the function of Alien Black Goo in the dark matter template, and how it has infected the Albion body, gives us deeper revelations into the importance and purpose of the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body earth mission.

The eternal living spiritual consciousness Blueprint of the multidimensional human DNA is destroyed when assimilated into the synthetic machinery of artificial intelligence. As a result, this destroys the capability of expanding biological spiritual consciousness and achieving spiritual freedom, the mechanics of consciousness known as the Science of Ascension. Instead, AI mind uploading creates consciousness slaves bound to artificial realities and fallen entities that cannot evolve, cannot ascend, cannot travel to higher dimensions of reality, and ultimately is another consciousness trap. This is similar to an AI “groundhog day” in virtual realities, where the same consciousness program is played over and over.

Glandular System Implants - malfunctions in the path of the Kundalini rising that impact the brain receivers and the Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Pineal, Thyroid, and Thymus. During NAA invasion 5,500 years ago, the collapse of the magnetic field created DNA scrambling that removed our natural language and ability that allowed us to communicate with the entire planetary species. This interferes with the sequence of fire letters to arrange correctly in the DNA template, causing loss of species memory and language. In the bible, this is referred to as the time Yahweh deliberately confounded our species language, because humanity were sinners, and as such, it is called the Tower of Babel Implant.

(too much to get into here…but words = SPELLING = creative abilities)


Chemtrails, black plumes, Morgellons….a picture is starting to form…

Here’s another page I ran across with some more detailed information about what the Morgellons nanobots are doing :

Etheric Implants and Entities ARE “Human Nature” Part 2

Artificial Intelligence construct: The AI construct is very mechanical in appearance and function. Metal wires, connectors, plug in ports, liquid metal, mind control, and automaton programming is heavily used by etheric AI. The AI intelligence agenda is working directly at the command of the Archons, or the negatively oriented parasites that have initiated the prison planet construct initially. Most people under control of the AI construct, once heavily infested, end up with complete artificial copies of every aspect of their body; etheric nanites will have every molecule of the body mapped; a layer of AI etheric connective material will coat the entire nervous system creating a faux nervous system; the meridians will be directly controlled by opening and closing the flow to specific areas of the body by switches and control systems; the auric field will become infested with nanites, turning the field into a broadcaster or “wifi” station for the AI control system;

The next part is who is exactly controlling the holographic/virtual reality. Right after finding these links, a friend synchronistically sent me a video about CERN (and goodness only knows what is behind that). *shudder…

“There’s 633 separate experiments at CERN right now and they are all called belief system control system. CERN itself is a dimension teleport system to import a belief system. And a belief system … has an artificial intelligence behind it.

The AI is linked to the dreaming mind of another planet.”

“CERN is a holographic imitation of the bio-memorial networks that is all creature-kind using quantum entanglement. It is abusing them.”




And as far as engaging that VR system itself, this last page… really deserves an entry by itself. In 2015 while I was working with Randi Green’s material about our world being an ISP, a virtual reality…and whether or not we have an actual soul controlling us from the outside or not, I ran across this other website which had a lot of information about being in a simulated reality, scripts, etc.

When I started asking certain questions like “OK if I’m a copy/avatar, who is the real me outside of this reality controlling my script?” Things got WEIRD. So weird in fact, that it scared the crap out of me and I stopped that line of exploration all together. Dead stop. Do not go there. (apparently that is what happens to most people who pursue that path.)

It’s no surprise this site came up again. If you’ve been following along, by now you know how I am about setting off scripts and weirdness – it’s not something I really want to do on purpose, but I will if I must. There is SO MUCH work on the http://soul-healer.com site… This is the section about simulated reality:


There are several healing exercises/intentions for engaging with “the program” so I may very well end up back in that weird territory if I can’t heal everything organically with the original karma work. Geez. :| This is much more complicated and involved than anything I ever worked on before.

As always, any input/ideas/comments/well-wishes would be much appreciated! <3 K


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