11.20.17 - Karma Map Part V + Time Splintering

in #spirituality7 years ago


The next part of my healing work involves 4 things all happening in conjunction: Time Splintering, AI/Etheric Machinery, Parallel lives/timelines, and Time Rift of Dream (Dream Brokering).

The logical place to start would be the event that happened to me in this lifetime when I got splintered. There have been many timeline incursions and events that I feel knocked me off my true path, but this event in particular was a complete disruption and change to my energy system, personality, and the way I experience and move through life. The magnitude of it was beyond any other kind of energetic attack, personal loss, or psychologically induced event I ever experienced, and I still feel it. It broke me.

Sometime in 2000, I don’t remember when exactly, except that it must have been spring or early summer - I was hanging out with two friends. I had known both of them for a long time. They got along for my sake, but there was some weird underlying tension between them that made me very uncomfortable.

In most situations up until this point, I easily got along with others and could hold a space where everyone pretty much had a good time and felt at ease. With these two particularly “difficult” people though, it was very awkward, and it was an incredible strain on my energy to try to keep everybody happy. When I look back on this day, I can see my energy struggling, projected out of me…volleying between the one and the other, trying so hard to keep the peace. I was more concerned about their comfort than my own. They both had been known to be two-faced and mean to others at times (to me also behind my back), and I think I was a little afraid of them starting something and then turning on me if I ended up in the middle of it.

When I recall how it felt that day - in all likelihood, there was some kind of entity present creating that energy, because there was something very wrong and out of place hanging in the air, but very different than any of the other spooky stuff I’d experienced before.

I don’t remember exactly what, if anything, had happened to make things particularly aggravating that day, but it got more and more intense as the day wore on. Then it almost felt like I had a panic attack with my energy going around and around, and all of a sudden, something in my energy field and very essence, broke. It felt like I was completely shattered, as if I were made of glass and had been hit by a sledgehammer. There was an actual crushing impact and I felt myself physically recoil. I don’t know if I literally blacked out, and if I did for how long, but when I next opened my eyes and looked up, I felt like an entirely different person looking out at my two friends.

Without a doubt, it’s as if the person I was up to that point died. This may sound like a dramatic over-exaggeration, but I would describe the situation I found myself in like the moment when Adam and Eve realized they were naked and were suddenly afraid and ashamed before God. I felt completely naked, transparent, self-conscious, unworthy, and TERRIFIED of what they would do or say next. It was as if my two friends suddenly had a different perception of me also, and could read every single flaw in me (and hurt me because of it). We were in my room, and yet I felt like I was the outsider who was unwelcome in the space. An excruciating social anxiety and “fear of rejection” that I had never experienced in my life before started up in that moment. I would describe it as a complete loss of power and sovereignty. It got so bad, at times, I felt like strangers like cashiers in gas stations were judges and my very life was hanging in the balance of their opinions of me.

A couple of years after that, the physical ascension stuff really ramped up and that made everything a million times worse, because I was suddenly super sensitive and could “read” everyone, and it felt like they could read me at the same level I was reading them. It took several years to recover and be able to hold my own space, and I still have issues in certain situations where I feel it is important that the person likes me and accepts me.

I’m pretty amazed at what is being revealed about this event, especially connected to everything else. This is one of the reasons I like dowsing so much – when I get out of the way and let the information come in from my higher self and trusted guidance, things I couldn’t possibly know or figure out for myself are perfectly orchestrated for my understanding and healing.

I haven’t worked with SSOA material in this much depth in a very long time. I don’t recall that I had ever even seen the work about being splintered in time (though the time rift showed up right off the bat and I was more familiar with that concept). This is the passage about it from the Ascension Workbook:


If the etheric body or any part of the field is rotated to the right and then held in this position with etheric magnets, this part of the field or etheric body moves into the future. If the etheric body or any part of the field is rotated to the left and then held in this position with etheric magnets, this part of the field or etheric body moves into the past. If parts of the field or etheric body are held in the past and future concurrent, one splinters in time. This causes those parts of the etheric body and field in the future to go into future karma where machines, karma and the associated patterning will take affect; and the parts of the etheric body and field in the past to go into past karma where old patterns and karma one has long transcended suddenly recur.

This is a grand manipulation of the sorcerers, as once one is splintered in time, now one is more easily torn apart. One’s grounding will fail when one is splintered in time as well as one’s connection to source, as grounding and connection require one to be in present time. As one cancels and shatters the magnets holding on split between the future and past, one can twist the field or etheric body back into present time and then the manipulation and game ceases.

What my guidance is telling me – is time splintering happened that day. Whatever was occurring in that moment between me and my friends (and whatever entity was present with the intention to do this), it activated the past life karma that I am working on now, which actually has been playing out ever since that day…. (and amazing that of all the possibilities of tones, the associated missing tones are pertaining to “consensus” and having a sense of belonging, as well as being able to more fully command my own energy and field). That day was also when the “future karma where machines, karma and the associated patterning” became active in my present timeline.

The material from the workbook follows. As I already mentioned in the last post – the implants/magnets from this event are contributing to my adrenals being frozen in fight or flight mode.

Assess this type of manipulation in the workbook section of this chapter:

What part of my etheric structure is rotated to the right or left?
My Creative Body is spun to the right, and my Light Body is spun to the left.

Parts of the etheric body rotated to the right cause them to exist in the future; parts rotated to the left exist in the past. This is one way one can be manipulated from the past or future; it also splits one in time. Align all parts of the etheric grid work in present time and one will have an easier time of ascension.

Assisting healing intentions:

-I intend to forgive my ancestors for participation of the game of turning portions of the etheric body into the future or past thereby splitting in time.

-I intend to forgive those ancestors who were sorcerers who participated in the game of splitting others in time.

-I intend to cancel or erase all magnets that hold any part of my etheric body in the past or future.

-I intend to forgive my sorcerer ancestors for participating in the game of splitting the etheric body in time.

-I forgive all ancestors who became diseased or caught a dream of death due to etheric body time manipulations of the sorcerers in their given life.

-I intend to release any and all mechanisms that hold any part of my etheric body in the past or future.

-I intend to bring all of the following parts of the etheric body into present time: Creative Body, Light Body, and Adrenals

-I forgive those ancestors who were at cause of a nuclear annihilation that splintered humans in time.

-I forgive those ancestors who became diseased or died due to the splintering in time from nuclear fallouts.


The next parts of the work will be to attend to what is going on in the future that needs to be averted, then I will still have to be able to understand to the original karmic circumstance. Hopefully I will be graced by a really good dream that explains everything. ; ) When I complete the healing of the past, and heal the time splitting, I can prevent my dream/creation energy from being stolen and misused in the present and future.

Next up: AI and Etheric Machinery. I made some very unexpected discoveries and connections in my research, which have made me feel even more pressed to get this thing wrapped up ASAP.


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