“VOLUNTARYISM” IS JUST A LABEL. Think for yourself!

in #anarchy6 years ago

As a general rule, I don’t really trust anyone who votes.

However, to say that voting is actual violence is a bit of a stretch, in many (most?) cases, and is actually detrimental to an accurate, logical, and valid understanding of the voluntaryist conception of property (reality-based).

Don’t let labels keep you from thinking things through for yourself.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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Some thoughts and questions. I just put them here :)

If you (could) hire a hitman by, pushing a button, putting a piece of paper with ink on it in a (mail)box, or pulling a lever. Then pushing a button, putting a piece of paper with ink on it in a box, or pulling a lever.... is not violence.

That's true......but what are the people (that push that button, put that piece of paper with ink on it in a box, or pull that lever, to hire that hitman) doing?
May you not stop them from hiring a hitman?

I see a dillemma here. If you in day to day life would hire a hitman and that hitman killed the person(s) you wanted him to kill, you could also say about the assignment that you gave the hitman ; It is just some ink on paper I gave him.

But isn't that ink on paper, the initiation (literally) of the violence that follows?

It is a hard question. Can you stop you neighbours from hiring the maffia that they send to your door?
Not by shooting them or fighting them............. but are there things you could do that could be justified?
That maybe is a better question...I don't know ;)

I hear you. Hiring a hitman, and voting “no” on a new pro-tax proposition seem to me to be different issues altogether, for the most part.

But as for the other stuff being voted on. Man. It sure is horrible, and there is a lot to ponder. Even the “no” votes on tax measures are made by folks who seem to misunderstand that plucking a few leaves here and there can never strike the roots of the tyranny. And indeed, this “leaf plucking” usually ends up with more growing in their place, anyway.

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