Slowly But Surely (Maybe it’s a good loss, after all?)

in #writing6 years ago


Slowly losing my mind, in this world of things seeming to only really work out for the ones who’ll play the game.

I’m not talking about the basic things, like working, community, etc. Those things make sense.

I’m talking about being unwilling to change, fundamentally, who you are, in order to “fit in.”

The hammer hovers over the board, looking for nails like you. The blade over the grass. And it’s worse than this. Much worse. It’s not just that you’re the nail that sticks out, or the tallest blade of grass, it’s that, to you, the whole goddamned metaphor is inane.

Why be a nail, when I’m a human?
Why be a blade of grass, when I can be a man?

And still, others put you to shame with their bravery. Why do you seem the most cowardly of the lot, and simultaneously the most brave? Hmmm. Maybe just a phenomenon of tunnel vision. Limited perspective.

Man. Fuck. How would I know?
But then also, who the hell else should, for me, you know?



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

Support Voluntary Japan!


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The nail that sticks out is this comment.

Did you really just speak to the spirit of voluntaryism after having given
me so much shit and trying to gaslight me into thinking such a thing does not
exist? You're a sick puppy, show us right now how voluntaryists vote Graham,
give us a little of that ole Jeffrey Dahmer, we know you still got it in you 【ツ】!

"Please, eat less of my comments."
I swear man, the more you talk about VJ
the more it sounds like a social disease.
Specifically, when you contradict yourself
and when you give voluntarism a bad name.

Doublethink: "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink." — Eric Arthur Blair

Man, I’m too tired for this. Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck. You.

You called me and my family scammers, preached at me endlessly, and sought to be an expert as I was targeted by a filthy political campaign.

Go. Fuck. Yourself. You sickening wannabe fuck.

You didn’t even understand the video. And this post is entirely unrelated.

"Man, I’m too tired for this. Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck. You.

You called me and my family scammers, preached at me endlessly, and sought to be an expert as I was targeted by a filthy political campaign.

Go. Fuck. Yourself. You sickening wannabe fuck.

You didn’t even understand the video. And this post is entirely unrelated."

I did not say anything untoward about your wife or your child. I am not
that kind of person, you on the other hand come off very sociopath-like.
That's just my personal opinion, seek help if you like. You've got a very
charismatic attitude on your videos but in comments Mr. Hyde comes out.

I don’t put much stock in the talk of wannabe fuckheads. Is this too “Mr. Hyde” for you? Good. Now fuck off.

"I don’t put much stock in the talk of wannabe fuckheads. Is this too “Mr. Hyde” for you? Good. Now fuck off."

Is this an admission that I did in fact NOT call your family scammers?
Or did you suggest that I called your family scammers because I have a
low opinion of VJ and that you consider your family as members of VJ?
Pray tell sir, pray tell. Have you the courage it takes to stand behind ur convictions? Yes, you've adequately displayed your inner Mr. Hyde.

Oh sorry. You’re right. You implied I was using them as a means by which to scam people. Lol.

It’s too good to be real. Too absurd. On a post that is just my inner feelings.

Even there, dumbfuck losers.

Now get lost.

"Oh sorry. You’re right. You implied I was using them as a means by which to scam people. Lol.

It’s too good to be real. Too absurd. On a post that is just my inner feelings.

Even there, dumbfuck losers."

Now get lost.

In fairness to me, I don't recall using the word scam. I said as "best I can tell is that Voluntary Japan is a glorified collection jar for @kafkanarchy84 and his family, and if that’s the case that’s fine, as we're out here trying to create value for ourselves right? Yet, it takes a special sociopath-type of person to dress it all up and sell it as if though it’s something more than it is. Hypothetically, we could have a bunch of different @kafkanarchy84's here on steem. They could all have some flowery videos that convey that something else is going on, some kind of charitable work."

If i was wrong and there is more substance to VJ than meets the eye then maybe my interpretation was incorrect and if that's the case maybe I owe you an apology? To be honest, this post was good. I really resonated with it. Yet when I got to the line about nails and nails that stick out which reference that famous Japanese proverb it got me to thinking about your behavior on the blockchain and how you're all too down as a "Voluntaryist" to redistribute rewards and censor other peoples content on STINC. If VJ is a scam then perhaps the scam portion of it is the V? I'll leave that for other's to decide.

I really hate people like you. At my lowest, when I’m down, it’s losers like you that jump on wounds.

I really hate people like you. At my lowest, when I’m down, it’s losers like you that jump on wounds.

I'm not trying to "jump on wounds" per se. I'm simply trying to hold you to some moral consistency. When you do shitty things like downvote people it is remembered. Did you think it just goes away? If someone soft-censored you when you spoke your peace would you let it go? You continue to do it and you continue to think that it is okay. I will always tell you that it is not okay. This is because I will always speak my mind, you of all people should respect this quality.

And for anyone who actually watched the video on voting, I wasn’t talking about “spiritual voluntaryism” as you were. My principles and definitions were clear. I never denied there is a larger understanding regarding Voluntaryism, but that you can not dismiss everyone who disagrees with you, just because they may not see it yet. Voting is different than flagging people on Steemit, anyway, and if you can’t see that, you’re an idiot.

“Thoughts-in-time.” What a fucking piece of shit loser.

"And for anyone who actually watched the video on voting, I wasn’t talking about “spiritual voluntaryism” as you were. My principles and definitions were clear. I never denied there is a larger understanding regarding Voluntaryism, but that you can not dismiss everyone who disagrees with you, just because they may not see it yet. Voting is different than flagging people on Steemit, anyway, and if you can’t see that, you’re an idiot."

“Thoughts-in-time.” What a fucking piece of shit loser.

You mean like soft-censoring comments with a downvote on STINC? That to me seems very dismissive in and of itself, does it not?

I am being dismissive, yes.

a great essay, Graham!
very emotional (your individual style) and very true to life (your feauture also).
A wish to "fit in" moves 95% of humanity.
Early I didn't notice it, then I was shocked and depressive about it, now I just take it as a part of this modern world. No. THEIR world, not mine, and not yours. In OUR world things are different. And OUR world has nothing to do with theirs. We make our own heaven and hell.

What can I tell you... play their game to some extend.
Otherwise you end up being the victim.

I try to use the opportunities offered in their game and exploit them. I do not hurt anyone and extracting resources from their broken systems just makes them collapse faster. Being a full idealist and living as if we already had peace and voluntarism is not the answer, you just end up mentally sick, in jail or beaten down.

There is a big difference between abusing people and abusing structures. The first is immoral, the second is smart resistance.

I agree for the most part. Except with what you say about idealism.

The frustrating thing, for me, is that Voluntaryism is not idealistic at all, but practical, ethical, and based on concrete reality.

The utopian retardation is hallucinating a few people can and will successfully micro-manage the lives of billions.

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but yeah.


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