
so picturesque!! very nice though I don't like fall and cold, here it's too windy and cold( it prevents notiicng its beauty, so I will enjoy your photos)

so many bikes!! wow! is it a popular way of transport? of getting to working places?

Yes! I love the bicycle parking lot. When I first came here I was blown away by how many were parked there. Many, many people ride their bikes to the train station, and park them there, then take the train to work.

I imagine it is very cold where you are! Stay warm!

This whole waiting 15min to upvote thing is screwing with my flow! I'll be back...

See what I mean? Thanks for liking my comment... it reminded me to come back. 15min is beyond my attention span. Anything that's not right in front of me gets instantly forgotten. I'm going to have to start setting alarms on my already busy phone. And I always forget to silence it when I go to sleep. The bloopy noises are driving me crazy!!!

is that a school at the bottom with the bike fest there?

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