Homework task by professor @alphafx stellar consensus protocol (SCP)

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

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Good day crypto lovers & friends ! It's another weeks contest and we are ever grateful @cryptoacademy community and @steemitblog for their awesome hosts in order to earn and learn from Cryptocurrency, with the help of Educative Professor's like @alphafx. He's lectures was great and I will answer the assignments given to prove my learning abilities from his class :
Write on any of these consensus algorithms extensively

Explanation Of Stellar Consensus Protocol

After researches done on the topic, I studied that on the Stellar network, transactions are always added either public, shared, ledger of a database which is accessible by anyone worldwide. I discovered that Stellar has its own unique consensus strategy that it uses to reach consensus on transactions speedily, detailed & accurately.

Stellar’s consensus strategy helps to fasten and make transactions very cheap. In as much as mini-networks (quorum slices) overlap,
every user can add up Stellar transactions to the global ledger, whereas all transactions can be validated and added to the ledger very quickly with the help of the Stellar network consensus.

In the year 2015, David Mazières initiated the stellar consensus as a decentralized federal byzantine agreement programme that permits the opinions of eveyone without any rule shielding the participants with the help of a stellar network consensus through a non-authoritative computing system.

Stellar uses SCP to achieve a consensus on the program, it's so different from other consensus protocols. SCP can't explain the methods of incentives for the nodes and as well doesn't give the system for coin emission, so this explains that it's emission of Lumens (XLM), is so independent of the consensus protocol.

Stellar Consensus Has 4 Key Aspects In Adding Transactions To The Ledger

Freedom Of Participation: anybody could join the consensus project In as much as nobody still has majority of the decision-making power.

Zero Delay: fast, reliable and cheap transactions are confirmed shortly after.

Freedom Of Trust: particularly about this, participants carefully select in the consensus program their range of trusted nodes tho still change their minds at any pinch of error.

Safety: even tho the nodes fail and bad people join, the consensus will still reach its limit.Its stellar consensus network is very safe and secured to a point.

The aforementioned keys help the consensus issue called Byzantine Generals’ Problem (BGP) : the problem can be defined as hmmmm Example:where a troop of Byzantine soldiers is pressuring to war and win a resistant city and for this to happen, it must be done collectively regarding to the number; if not the result won't be gotten as planned and should as well be led by lots of generals that coordinate through junior soldiers. The issue is stermed in the wrong communication and the un-trust between the genereal and the junior soldier. To settle the dilemma, this calls for Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), which means when all the generals agree on the same solution even tho there will be the wrong sides. So we can say, consensus is a distributed system either like my example or blockchain explanation could be met with BFT, cause it's safe and secured.

However, stellar consensus protocol mechanism that provides solutions to issues that comes like nodes and this is because participants will always vote their desired result not until consensus is finished. When there's inconsistency; that's if the set of nodes enough for consensus doesn't agree on the plan for the ledger , then everything will be at pause until consensus is agreed.

Tho, this could rarely happen because of the way the nodes are set to fit into where it belongs. The quorum slice is the subset of trusted nodes which is a little piece of the large quorum which is meant to reach an agreement to close the ledger. Meanwhile, Individual nodes that are trusted will always convince one another for agreement around the quorum slice. Honestly, so far as the quorum slices cut into each other, the network at large will reach consensus very fast and reliably.

Benefits Of SCP

• It's very fast and reliable
• It's decentralized and has no central authority. Anyone can say whatsoever they want.
• Every node actually counts.
• It's secured

If blockchains must be 100% secure and as well scale, Stellar Consensus Protocol as a safeguard should be in place to help stop unforseen failures etc. Stellar consensus protocol is a Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA), which permits the network avoid the dilemma called (BPG) as well as operate reliably like the 4 aspcets I mentioned earlier.

Thank you for reading my content, I'm yet to learn more of this topic. Thank you Sir @alphafx for the task.


would have liked you to add more details on SCP and federated voting and quorums, and comparisons with other algorithms.


Thanks for participating

Thank you professor @alphafx.
Thank you for the validation and correction.
Best Regards.

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