Family Trip (Photography) to Nene Valley Railway Peterborough 带孩子去内罗瓦铁路彼得堡坐火车

in #cn8 years ago

Weekend is always the time that should be spent with family.  A few months ago, we went to the NVR Peterborough railway station and my sons love it (Especially the Thomas Train, which I think all boys are just crazy about).

The full address is:  Nene Valley Railway Peterborough Wansford Station, Stibbington, Peterborough, PE8 6LR  (United Kingdom)

It only took 30 minute drive to the nearest NVR station, which is Peterborough Wansford station.

内罗瓦铁路彼得堡 Nene Valley Railway Peterborough Wansford Station, Stibbington, Peterborough, PE8 6LR 

 孩子们一直喜欢火车, 特别是 托马斯火车 (Thomas Train), 在周六的时候我们全家来场说走就走的旅行, 当天去当天回, 还好开车到指定的Peterborough Wansford火车站只需要30分钟左右. 

You don't need to book the tickets in advance. The costs are:  16 pounds for adult, child 8 pounds, and the elderly 13 pounds. It is free for kids under 3. If you come as a family (2 adults and 3 children), you can buy family ticket for 40 GBP.

车票不需要提前预定, 到了就可以买, 票价不便宜(英国火车向来不便宜): 成年16英镑, 小孩8英镑, 老人(超过60岁) 13英镑. 3岁以下孩子免费. 两大人三小孩可以买家庭票 (Family) 40英镑. 

 可惜的是去的那天 并没有 托马斯火车的活动. 每年一般在孩子的假期会有搞一些活动 (官网): 特定的火车只有在这个时候才会开放给孩子 (这时候则需要提前定票否则现场去肯定票已售罄). 

坐的火车缓缓进站, 不清楚是不是蒸汽火车

 兄弟俩在火车轨道上走, 这轨道只有一节 另一段已经封闭 


Ticket man offered to take a photo of us.


The abandoned Train (steering room?)

 火车上的检票员很幽默 看我们在拍照 就直接过来把帽子戴我媳妇头上了



The big version of the toy train.

 兄弟俩兴趣一样 都喜欢火车

孩子们很兴奋, 让孩子多长长见识, 挺好. 

We, as parents, feel geniunely happy when seeing the big smiles from the kids!


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