🎨Don't be afraid of the dark/step by step/ watercolor 🕯

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Making of this portrait took me some time.
I started it in size I haven't done jet. Cut paper in 50x50 cm square shape. I'm fan of square shapes, but usually I'm doing it in smaller sizes. But there is always first time for everything. Paper is Fabriano Artistico 300gr, my favorite, and watercolors are White nights, Van Gogh and Schminke. Last one mentioned are becoming my favorite lately. Great pigments, and also great tones of blue they have.

krop dont be af.jpg

So first there was pencil drawing. Japan patterns are something apearing in my work lately, and I have so much fun doing them. That repetition is like doing meditation for me.


After drawing started with first layers of watercolors.Flash tint used is Van Gogh Naples yellow red. Doesn't look so great in this phase.


For background used those Schminke blue tones, indigo and torquise, mixed with Van Gogh Prussian blue and some Paynes grey.


And layer after layer here she is :)
Don't be afraid of the dark

don't be afraid of the dark.jpg

Hope you liked this small tutorial and thanks for watching :)


Заиста предивно @jungwatercolor. Хвала што си послала детаљан опис коришћеног материјала. Глас и рестим.

hvala @ladyjas :) kad god mogu postavim sve faze, znam da mogu nekome da znace i pomognu u radu.

thats so beautiful portrait... I cant stop looking at it :D

Prelepa je @jungwatercolor! Hrabra devojcica :)

Изванредно, @jungwatercolor! Ремек дело, глас и рестим.

hvala @superstar65, za sve, zapratila :)

This is absolutely beautiful @jungwatercolor. Tutorial, and execution through phases. Upvoted & resteemed.

thank you @photo-trail, for everything :)

Нема на чему, Дуња, заслужено је :)

That is one of the most beautiful portraits I have seen in many many years. Simply stunning

@arthuradamson ☺️ I am blushing, thank you so much for your comment. I love the most doing portraits, and children are symbol of purity for me, i guess that combination made her look that way :) So happy you like her :)

Thank you, seen my wallet :) Your nice comment is already treasure for me :)

Предивно, @jungwatercolor. Глас и рестим за ово.

Нарочито ми се допада што си послала фазе рада.

hvala @lighteye :) Volim da postavljam faze rada, znam da mogu biti znacajne za nekog ko jos uci, mislim da je vazno biti nesebican, ko zna kakvo novo delo moze da nastane negde. Znam koliko meni znace ti stepbystep od slikara kojima se ja divim.

you are very talented.. thanks for sharing this painting. I think you love kids and children world.; very meaningful painting. hope you have a look on my wall. I am an artist and draw with pencil and ballpoint pen.

Waw @jungwatercolor, that is just beautiful! I love your watercolor technique of painting in stages that gives each stroke its own outline. Also, the girl's expression and the background are beautiful yet haunting. Lovely

thank you @ankapolo, I am trying to find out my way in those strokes, to make them like spots with outlines. I am happy you like it, means a lot coming from artist I admire :)

Hi @jungwatercolor, I am not familiar with Schminke, but after looking at your work I definitely have to look him up. Your interest in Japanese patterns is also piquing my interest. Would love to see the finished work!

Thank you @plushzilla, try to find that brand, they are great. Maybe the best I done by now with.

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