We can Tag Depression as a Killer

in #depression7 years ago


There are several studies and cases were suicides are commonly acquired because of depression. It usually happens when a person is having a lack of interest or apathy. That is why we need to start up building ourselves in a proper way of releasing depression like talking to someone we can trust for and of course our family that every time we seek them, they are always there for us.

I am writing this article because I am in it; I am quite depressed in the midst of recalibrating my own self towards my failures happened before and of course, I heard and had a classmate was died because of depression. It is so alarming.


Way back when I was in my last month of 4th-year high school. I had a boy classmate suffers love's depression. The story was about a love quarrel between my classmate and our student teacher. They began close to each other after the teaching stint of our student teacher. I was really not a fan of them, but I witnessed their love story before the suicide. After several weeks of teaching, our subject teacher fetched the news about their relationship and of course, it was a non-ethical relationship. That means they are not abiding the rules of the school under the Department of Education. Therefore, our subject teacher talked to them. Since the student teacher will affect her grades of teaching us, she decided a cool off (not totally breaking up). But of course, my classmate wasn't agreed of. The boy had been so depressed and committed a suicide. It was so heartbreaking for us, we were so close to my classmate and he was too young. We don't have a choice just to accept the fact that we couldn't see him anymore.

Last year somewhere here in the place where I live in, I caught a suicide news. It was heartbreaking because the girl was a family woman. She has a son and a husband, but of course in some circumstances, suicide really not a choosy one. It can affect to all of us; single, married, or whatever ages are... She was a nurse but due to his womanizer husband, she couldn't take it, she let killing herself and left her one year old son man and her husband.

The latest one I heard was yesterday and it was happened last February 18, 2 days before their barangay fiesta. A 22 year-old guy took his life under the mango tree using a rope and it was caught tomorrow then... One of my friends told me that the guy was asking to go home while they are in a small party around midnight. After he leaves, his group of friends waiting for him but eventually, no one was coming back. So they decided not to call him because they were thinking maybe he fall asleep. It is still remain a question to the brave family why their child took his life off.


We should remain our self in the hands of God and let him draw the plan whatever plan he has each for us. The only thing we can do is that we should put our 100 percent trust to him whatever it takes. God is always good and be there for us in times of burdens.


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Thank you for reading and Pixabay for the pictures...


The love of the family, a trusted friend and your fear to God, will help you overcome or even lesssen your depression and will help you realized that suicide is not an option. I hope many people who suffer from this ailment will keep a fighting spirit and let their life be taken in God's own time.

nosebleed na ako masyado friend poi

Hehe napasaya mo ko don hehehe

This is very alarming, your place seems to take suicide as the best answer to a particular problem.

But it isn't. I strongly believe in the sanctity of life and it's only the creator who has the right to take it from us.

When we have problems or failures, it is but normal to be depressed or sad. But we can do something to get away with it. Perhaps people just need guidance.

We need a circle of friends who would give advice and will support us. We need someone to talk to, someone whom we can confide in our frustrations and even simple problems.

And most of all we need the creator to help us recover and move on. We should remember that God will never give us problems we cannot bear, we may find it so hard to handle but there's a way, there's really a way, we just have to search for it and we cannot do it without God at our side.

Let us be strong Jun and just let's just smile over atrocities in life, no worry, God is always there for us, we just have to constantly call HIm.

Take care and God bless you and your family always...

Thank u for this meaningful words sir attorney. It has been tough for the brave families who experience such case. I strongly agreed that only God has the right decision when, where he will take us. But for now, we should be thankful enough that we could still learn everything and be with our families.

Thank u sir, hope u and your family is in safe always.

yes sir, I will be more strong and thank u for the guide sir. I appreciate it a lot.

Great post jun2.
But usually maximum people thinks that suicide is the best way for relief.

thanks for this. this remind me of what I should do now. I am really quite depressed now and this helps me to think of what should I do.

A person with depression needs someone who listens to his/her thoughts..i know a friend who suffered from this

Ikaw Ric, cheer up!! There is bright future ahead of u. You are still young, if u need someone to talk i message lng q hehehe

hehehehe... thank you ate, I will and I will. hehhhe

Hope is the keyword against despair but Faith leads us to refocus ourselves to the source of life: God. Faith and Hope are Cardinal Virtues. Charity is the highest of these virtues. With Faith, Hope and Love despair and the thought of committing suicide can be defeated. One of the Secrets to stay alive amidst hardships is the idea of believing in yourself. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and DO NOT BELIEVE IN DEFEAT. God is with you anywhere. You can call Him anytime. Those unfortunate individuals who committed suicide should have remembered that God cares for them more than anyone else in this world can do. Let us think, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me." (Phil.4:13)

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