in #news7 years ago

Writer triggered by president's Poland speech

Newsweek reacted to Donald Trump’s speech in Poland during which the president vowed to defend western civilization by writing a triggered hit piece that claimed Trump didn’t know what he was talking about.

“President Donald Trump just delivered a long speech in Warsaw. Part Polish history lesson, part foreign policy address, part full-throated call to “defend the West” (whatever that might mean), you’d be forgiven for finding it a little confusing,” snarked writer Josh Lowe.

Perhaps Lowe has been living under a rock for the past two years during which western countries have been rocked by endless Islamic terror attacks and a wave of millions of economic migrants that has seen violent crime and sexual assaults in major cities skyrocket.

Lowe was also triggered by Trump referring to Poland as “an example of a country that kept its traditions and national character alive,” in the face of threats from external forces, seemingly confused that Trump was obviously referencing the country’s refusal to be subsumed by migrants as a result of threats of sanctions being made by the authoritarian European Union.

Other things that annoyed Lowe included Trump’s promotion of “strong families” (because we can’t have that, can we?) and his celebration of western art, “the rule of law” and “ancient heroes”.

Trump’s remark that, “Every foot of ground, and every last inch of civilization, is worth defending with your life,” seemed to trigger Lowe the most, prompting him to “really hope this is a metaphor”.

The fact that Newsweek would find fault in such a universally agreeable notion as ‘defending western civilization’ again underscores the deep-seated bias that dominates the mainstream media and the left.

They actually view western civilization as something to be ashamed of, not defended at all costs.
However, the sentiments are not surprising given that Newsweek has been a mouthpiece for globalist talking points since its inception and has pushed a vehemently anti-Trump bias since before he was elected.'

In 1998, editors of the magazine infamously spiked revelations of a sexual relationship between U.S. President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, allowing Matt Drudge to scoop the story, another indication of how Newsweek is a propaganda arm for the elite political class.

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