Sneaker (short story)

in #story7 years ago

Laide was the best sneaker he ever had.
Aside from the fact that the first day he laid eyes on her she was wearing a pair of white Adidas sneakers and her laugh was a sort of snicker, she also happened to be munching on a sneaker chocolate bar, there was just something about her perfectly cultured face that made him like her.

Jamie was nicknamed sneaker because of the amount of ladies he sneaks into his room on a weekly basis. Why sneak? He was forced to sneak them in because of his father's strict policy, which prohibited his three sons from harbouring women in his house.
Jamie had to much tricks up his sleeves and so was the one who smuggled his babes and his brothers' babes into the house, not once has his father ever caught him unlike his brothers who couldn't even smuggle unripe mangoes into the house without their father's notice.
Laide was the perfect babe. She understood the sneaking game better than anyone, her curves allowed her to curve her body into a shape that could fit into the burglary bars of his windows, indeed she was the perfect sneaker.
Its been 7 years since he met his perfect sneaker, because of her he even stopped sneaking girls into his house, for she had not only snuck into his house but also into his heart, she was the only one to ever make it that far, for her, he turned a new leaf. His brothers were of course shattered when he gave up his sneaking business.
Barely twelve weeks to their wedding, and she's sneaking away from his life with his heart in a box.

As he watched her leave with tears cascading down her delicately molded face, he thought; 'only women will break your heart and still cry about it, such sneaky creatures', he concluded.
That faithful evening she called.
"Hey baby, how are you?" she inquired with a voice that sounded as though sixty thousand angels were singing under water.
"Awesome hon. Are you on your way?" he asked, recalling she had earlier told him she was coming to see him.
"Yeah, just finished dusting my face, will be there shortly"
"I always wonder why you bother applying makeup, knowing fully well that there's no flaw in facial design"
"ohhh!! Baby, let's not argue over this makeup ishh now and thanks for the complement by the way"
"See you in a bit, love you badly" he said smiling.
"Love you sneaker"
"Bye" he said as he hung up.
He sat there smiling and reeling in the thought of how lucky he was to be marrying a chaste lady as his sneaker. Not once has he suffered infidelity at her hands, she's been to in love to cheat. She tells him of all the toasters that approach her, and they often share jokes at the expense of these toasters.

Laide stood at Jamie's door for over half an hour without knocking. She heard him laughing, obviously enjoying the movie he was watching while he waited for her.
She cursed herself silently underneath her breath for having to do this unjust evil to him. He didn't deserve this and neither does he deserve her, for she was evil.
The tears ran down her cheeks again for the umpteenth time. She looked at the car keys in her hands, which Martins had given her and busted into a fresh frenzy of tears. This wave was stronger than she could handle, she stretched her hands to knock on the door when Jamie who had heard her sobs ran out to meet her with a million questions.
"What happened? Did someone touch you? what's wrong babe?"
Laide just sobbed the more as Jamie wrapped his large arms around her and took her inside the house.
Jamie didn't notice the box she dragged with her as she walked into the house cause he was totally focused on her face and wiping her tears.
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Re: Sneaker (short Story) by Trip4Jozzy ( m ):
3:28am On Jan 16
After what seemed like a century, Laide calmed down. Jamie wasn't sure whether to ask her what happened yet, so as he doesn't send another wave of tears cruising down from the fountain of tears which seemed to lie behind her tender eyes.
He just held her in his arms for no longer than eternity had clocked before Laide spoke.
"I have wronged you beyond what words could describe"
Jamie was taken aback by her statement. He made to speak but she stopped him.
"Please don't interrupt, for I might not find the strength again if I stop."
Jamie swallowed his words and nodded in the affirmative.
"You have been my rock all these years. Even when I lost my parents, you helped me find my feet and guide me. If you hadn't taken responsibility for me, maybe I would have dropped out of school but because you stood in for me, I am a graduate today."
Jamie just watched her as she spoke with tears in her eyes.
She continued "I will be forever grateful to you for your faithfulness and love. You have turned a street girl into a woman, a woman envied by all her contemporaries, elevated above them all"
"You're scaring me Laide" Jamie managed to say.
Laide shook her head and proceeded with her emotional roller coaster of a speech.
"When I was twelve, my parents betrothed me to Martins Adelaja, the second son of chief Adelaja, merchant of the west"
Jamie felt as though a truck just dropped on his head. Instantly he had headache, the room became too cold, even the light seemed a bit dim, for a moment all he saw was darkness. He searched for words to speak but his mouth was bitter and words eluded him, as though scared he was going to chew them into bits and spit them on her face.
Laide scanned Jamie's face for a second then proceeded with her tale of terror.
"He's been in the states all this while but he's back now and can't wait to marry me"
Jamie swallowed hard, as he removed his arms from around her. His eyes went bloodshot as he stared into space, away from her face.
"I told him about you, and he gave me this box of money to give you as compensation for all you have done for me."
Jamie looked into her face as if to confirm if she seriously just said that to him. Still unable to make a coherent sentence so he said nothing. He was finding it hard to even make headway of what his thoughts were saying. His thoughts sounded like a dumb man trying to speak words for the first time.
"If you love me as you have always professed, please understand that this is not intentional and that I have to do this because of my parents. I can not afford to dishonour them, now that they're gone."
"Get out of my house" Jamie said. His heart bleeding from a thousand holes. Holes created by her words.
Laide tried to beg Jamie but just kindly kept pointing at the door, she stood to leave and made to leave without her box of money. He pointed to the box and motioned for her to go with it. Laide wept as she dragged the box out of Jamie's house. At the stairs he stopped and managed to ask "Were you guys in touch all these years we've been together?"
Laide nodded affirmative.
Jamie just sat on the stairs and watched her leave with all his trust for he knew he was never going to trust another female in his life.
Sneaker was leaving him heartless for he gave her his heart long ago, the least she could have done was return his heart, instead she brought a box of money he didn't need.Screenshot_2018-01-14-20-39-33~2.png

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