
in #culture7 years ago


Ngapem adalah proses memasak adonan jladren yang telah dibuat satu hari sebelumnya. Pada prosesi ini, Permaisuri, Putri Dalem dan Sentana Dalem putri dibantu oleh Abdi Dalem Keparak membuat 2 macam apem, yaitu apem biasa (ukuran kecil) dan apem mustaka (ukuran besar). Apem mustaka selanjutnya akan disusun sesuai dengan tinggi Sultan. Apem yang berasal dari kata "afwan" yang berarti ampun dalam Bahasa Arab ini, merupakan simbol permohonan maaf atau ampunan. Harapannya adalah, agar dalam peringatan kenaikan tahta, Sri Sultan selalu mendapat petunjuk dan ampunan Yang Maha Kuasa
Ngapem is the process of cooking the dough of jladren, that was made one day before. In this process, the Queen, the Princesses, and the female relative of the Sultan (Sentana Dalem), helped by the Keparak Palace Courtiers, made two kinds of apem, which were the usual apem (small size), and apem mustaka (large size). Apem mustaka are then stacked and arranged in the size of the Sultan’s height. The word ‘apem’ came from the Arabic word ‘afwan’ which means ‘forgiveness’. This then becomes the symbol of forgiveness or apology. It is hoped that on the journey to his ascension to throne, Sri Sultan will always be guided and forgiven by God the Almighty.