"Glimpses of other Worlds" (original prose)


"Glimpses of other Worlds"

     Distant galaxies born from a timeless past, the same past that formed us all, the children of the infinite universe, where the mystery of multiracial creation is enclosed, that which religion and the stigmas of power have tried to hide forever.

     O our Lord !, You put the words in my head, which is like that forbidden world full of portals through which the signals of knowledge filter, understood only by those who have awakened from the ancestral lethargy of not knowing who we are. ..

     I am here so confused and at the same time so clear that nothing surprises me anymore, I just try to keep swallowing each encounter with the exoplanetary wisdom that has always been there, like a germinated seed about to explode.

     It is no coincidence that you understand these words, because the transformation towards other vibrations is already happening in you, just let yourself be carried away by that original being that you carry inside from the day of the pact, and that will never die if you take care of its soul

     Brushstrokes of passion, glimpses of other worlds, quantum literature at the service of the dimensional transition that reaches these latitudes, where you and I meet thanks to the written telepathy of these words dictated by providence, not by me..

The End.


Source of the pixabay images according to sequence:1



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