Relatando Historias "Las Apariencias engañan" (Esp) - Relating Stories "Appearances deceive" (Eng)steemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago
Un cordial saludo a todos los miembros de esta maravillosa comunidad. un abrazo a todos mis seguidores y a cada una de las personas que apoyan mis publicaciones con votos positivos y comentarios.

A cordial greeting to all the members of this wonderful community. a hug to all my followers and to each one of the people who support my publications with positive votes and comments.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un relato de una historia la cual salio de mi imaginación, estoy empezando a perfeccionar la redacción de textos para así plasmar mis historias imaginarias. Espero les guste la historia que relatare a continuación.

Today I want to share with you a story from a story that came out of my imagination, I am beginning to perfect the writing of texts to capture my imaginary stories. I hope you like the story that I will tell next.

Las Apariencias Engañan

Appearances deceive


Está es la historia de Camilo un joven de 17 años que cursaba su último año escolar, como todos los jóvenes con muchos sueños, uno de ellos era ser como su padre. Camilo estaba a 2 meses de culminar sus estudios y tenia pensado cuando se graduara seguir estudiando para convertirse en un profesional. La carrera que el quería estudiar era Administración de Empresas.

This is the story of Camilo, a 17-year-old who was in his last year of school, like all young people with many dreams, one of them was to be like his father. Camilo was 2 months away from completing his studies and had plans when he graduated to continue studying to become a professional. The career he wanted to study was Business Administration.

Camilo decidió escoger esta carrera para ayudar a su padre en el negocio que les había dado una muy buena vida. Camilo tenia una muy buena imagen de sus padres, el creía que eran honestos, responsables y muy trabajadores ya que habían sacado su negocio adelante y esto les había dado para tener un estilo de vida envidiable.

Camilo decided to choose this career to help his father in the business that had given them a very good life. Camilo had a very good image of his parents, he believed that they were honest, responsible and hard-working since they had taken their business forward and this had given them to have an enviable lifestyle.

Carlos es el padre de Camilo y junto con su esposa Rosa habían levantado desde cero su negocio de venta de vehículos de segunda mano. Lo que no sabia Camilo es que sus padres no eran totalmente transparente con el y la compra y venta de vehículos solo era una fachada para lavarle el dinero a un traficante.

Carlos is Camilo's father and together with his wife Rosa, they had built their second-hand vehicle sales business from scratch. What Camilo did not know is that his parents were not totally transparent with him and the purchase and sale of vehicles was only a facade to launder money to a trafficker.


Dos meses mas tarde Camilo se graduaría con honores y ya estaba en la búsqueda de la Universidad a la que iría a estudiar su tan anelada carrera. Camilo no quería que sus padres pagaran su carrera, por el contrario quería trabajar para salir adelante por sus propios medios así que decidió hablar con su padre para que le diera empleo en su compra y venta de vehículos.

Two months later Camilo would graduate with honors and was already looking for the University where he would go to study his long-awaited career. Camilo did not want his parents to pay for his career, on the contrary, he wanted to work to get by on his own, so he decided to talk to his father so that he could give him employment in the purchase and sale of vehicles.

Carlos y Rosa no querían que su hijo se involucrara en sus negocios a tan temprana edad, o bueno eso fue lo que le dijeron a su hijo para no ponerlo en riesgo. Camilo por su parte fue muy insistente y logro convencer a sus padres para que lo contrataran como vendedor en la compra y venta. Esto llevaría a que Camilo conociera la verdadera actividad económica de sus padres y no precisamente por boca de ellos sino por varios hechos que destaparían la verdad.

Carlos and Rosa did not want their son to get involved in their businesses at such a young age, or well that was what they told their son so as not to put him at risk. Camilo for his part was very insistent and managed to convince his parents to hire him as a seller in the purchase and sale. This would lead Camilo to know the true economic activity of his parents and not precisely through their mouths but through various events that would uncover the truth.

Camilo se desempeñaba estupendamente en el cargo que se le había asignado tanto así que lograba hacer mínimo una venta diaria. Unas semanas mas tarde se daría cuenta de algo que lo llevaría a sospechar de la actividad económica de su padre.

Camilo performed very well in the position that had been assigned to him so much that he managed to make a minimum of one daily sale. A few weeks later he would realize something that would lead him to suspect his father's economic activity.

Un día, luego de realizar una venta en efectivo decidió llevar el dinero y guardarlo en la caja fuerte de la oficina de su padre, para su sorpresa la caja fuerte se encontraba llena de billetes de Dolares, lo sospechoso es que ellos recibían solamente dinero en Pesos Colombianos. Sin embargo Camilo no creyó que ese dinero viniera de malos negocios pero si le creo varias dudas.

One day, after making a cash sale, he decided to take the money and keep it in the safe of his father's office. To his surprise, the safe was full of dollar bills. The suspicious thing is that they only received money in Colombian pesos. However, Camilo did not believe that this money came from bad business, but he did create several doubts for him.

Unas semanas mas tarde Camilo continuaba trabajando como de costumbre en el negocio y de repente llegaría una persona muy extraña en busca de su padre, ese hombre no tenia buena pinta pero no dudo en ir en busca de su padre a la oficina para que atendiera la extraña visita. Para sorpresa de Camilo esa persona venia a amenazar de muerte a su padre, ya que en anteriores ocasiones lo había contactado para que dejara de hacer negocios con su jefe en esa zona que pertenecía a otra banda de traficantes.

A few weeks later Camilo continued working as usual in the business and suddenly a very strange person would come looking for his father, that man did not look good but he did not hesitate to go in search of his father to the office to attend the strange visit. To Camilo's surprise, that person came to threaten his father with death, since on previous occasions he had contacted him to stop doing business with his boss in that area that belonged to another gang of traffickers.


Camilo se enteraría de toda la verdad esa tarde donde se le rompería el corazón al conocer las verdaderas actividades de su padre. Como Camilo amaba mucho a su padre le dio una segunda oportunidad con la condición que dejara de hacer ese tipo de negocios y el padre acepto a regañadientes.

Camilo would find out the whole truth that afternoon where his heart would break when learning the true activities of his father. As Camilo loved his father very much, he gave him a second chance on the condition that he stop doing that type of business and the father reluctantly accepted.

Varios meses después Camilo estaba convencido de que su padre ya había dejado de lado los negocios turbios, pero para sorpresa de el descubrió a su padre recibiendo una gran cantidad suma de dinero la cual no venia de buenas manos. Camilo que se había convertido en mayor de edad hace un par de días era un hombre muy recto y no le gustaba romper las leyes. Se encontraba en una decisión muy difícil, tendría que decidir entre el amor de su papa o denunciarlo ante las autoridades.

Several months later Camilo was convinced that his father had already put aside shady deals, but to his surprise he discovered his father receiving a large sum of money which did not come from good hands. Camilo, who had come of age a couple of days ago, was a very upright man and did not like breaking the laws. He was in a very difficult decision, he would have to decide between the love of his father or report it to the authorities.


Camilo se aparto de su familia y decidió hacer lo correcto aunque eso le rompiera el corazón. Camilo acudió a denunciar a su padre para que lo arrestaran, y así fue a su padre lo capturaron y lo condenaron a vario años de prisión. Camilo continuo con su vida normal y concluyo sus estudios y creo su propia compra y venta de vehículos totalmente legal.

Camilo separated from his family and decided to do the right thing even if it broke his heart. Camilo went to denounce his father for arrest, and so it was that his father was captured and sentenced to several years in prison. Camilo continued with his normal life and concluded his studies and created his own completely legal purchase and sale of vehicles.

Aquí concluye la historia de Camilo, espero les haya gustado y de ser así seria de gran ayuda que me apoyaran con votos positivos y reblogueos.

Here ends the story of Camilo, I hope you liked it and if so, it would be very helpful if you supported me with positive votes and stickers.



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