Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #81 (Ideas are the bullets in your mind)

in #responsibility4 years ago

What’s up fellow netizens? That’s a thing right? Pretty sure I’ve heard that word before. In any case, Happy Independence Day! And remember that true independence comes from taking responsibility. And there’s a lot America needs to take responsibility for before she can truly be a free country.. So maybe America ought to have a “Responsibility Day”, where we acknowledge all of the genocide and slavery and opression that went into building this country. Maybe then we could start making this country the kind of place we were all told it was.

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So I just watched V For Vendetta for the second time in…. I’m gonna say 15 years. Oddly enough it just happened to appear on Netflix at the beginning of June, right after the riots started.. And the plot is eerily relevant. I remember George Carlin in the 90’s talking about how the system was just beginning to collapse and the fabric of society just beginning to cope apart at the seams. Wouldn’t you know it? He was right. He also talked about super viruses, the economy collapsing around us and terrorist coming out of the woodwork. Is this really the season finale of America? What’s the spinoff going to be?
I don’t know, but this show is getting ridiculous. I guess on the most recent episode we learned the the President found out that Russia was putting bounties on American soldiers and didn’t do anything about it. Which is kind of fucked up right? I mean, if we’re going to have these people over there doing . our corporations dirty work for us, then the President ought to be watching their backs. But also I feel like I have to point out that it would be a lot harder to collect those bounties if those soldiers were at home. I mean I’m pretty sure there were already Americans being killed in Afghanistan before Russia had bounties on them. A lot of people don’t like it when people from other countries go marching around their country with guns. Americans certainly wouldn't . Imagine if some other countries soldiers were marching around inside America? I think there’s a significant amount who’d be willing to commit multiple war crimes to drive them out. But when one of our people gets killed in someone else’s country, we act all shocked and appalled. But whatever. All I’m saying is that the President ought to send a strongly worded letter to Vladamir Putin, making his disapproval clear, and then withdraw all troops from the middle east. Seems like a reasonable solution to me anyway.
But don’t listen to me. . I feel like I’ve got some good ideas but I don’t really know what the fuck’s going on. I’m just here to spit out my $0.02 and say “Fuck It! Before it fucks you!”

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