Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #68 (He's going to tell! He's going to tell!)

in #virus4 years ago

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So happy Friday y’all. Time for another blog from Mr. Yours Truly myself. Hope everyone’s enjoying the quarantine season. I was just having a virtual movie night with some friends. Basically we all watch the same movie and voice chat with each other. It’s a fun lock down activity. So we were all watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and I figured out what’s wrong with the world. No, it’s not people claiming to be emperors just because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at them. No, that’s certain a problem, but it’s not THE problem. The problem is that God doesn’t just appear in the sky and talk to us anymore. He needs to do that again. I don’t trust these people claiming to speak for him. A Lot of them are a bit too Biden-y with the alter boys It’s time for God to step up. Appear in the sky and be like “Hey everyone needs to chill the fuck out! First of all, Israel belongs to everyone. It’s just another piece of dirt. My kid went there and took some mushrooms one time and y’all started freaking out about it. And why do so many of you think I have a problem with gay people? You know I made them that way right? Are you saying I was wrong? And as for abortion, hey accidents happen! Why do you think pencils have erasers? What ya’ll need to do is stop waving these swords around claiming to wield supreme executive authority. I’m gonna tell these aquatic wenches to stop throwing them around too.” Or maybe he’ll say the complete opposite of that. In which case I’ll be like “Ok. Well fuck you. But at least now I know you’re an asshole. And I’ll proudly be in Lucifers front ranks during Armeggedon.”
In the meantime, He could at least do something about this fucking virus. I was feeling so good about this year. I guess all the Super Christians think he’s going to make it go away on Easter now. And who knows? Maybe the evil fucks who created this shit programmed it to go away on Easter. Best we can hope for these days. Then it’ll look like an Easter Miracle and they’ll think Trump is a prophet. So they’ll come out harder for him on election day, and be more likely to start some shit if he loses. Frankly if he loses to Biden I wouldn’t trust it either. Ok maybe that’s a bit far fetched, but there’s definitely some fuckery going on with this virus. A bunch of corporate oligarchs already used it to steal $2 Trillion from us. Now the government is starting to take back reservations from indigenous tribes. First came the cash grab, now comes the land grab. Next they’ll start opening national parks for drilling All this is of course happening while it’s basically illegal to protest.
This is what’s called Shock Doctrine in action. I should actually read that book. But basically it’s about how the government and corporations like to use major crises as smoke screens to enact pre existing agendas while the crisis demands the attention of the public. In the mean time, I’m sure they’re hoping this virus will kill off a sizable portion of us low wage workers. That’s why we’re so essential all of a sudden. . Then they’ll bring in the robots, and the rest of us will be unemployed and have to make due with what we can.
So I don’t know what to do of course. I know all I can do is do what I can to try to make some kind of better world come out of this. And look back at the world that brought us here as say Fuck it! Before it fuck’s you!

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