The STEEM saga is becoming a Case Study for all of Crypto...

in GEMS4 years ago

They say all press is good press right?

Well, hopefully that is true regarding all the latest happenings surrounding STEEM and subsequent drama.

One Ari Paul thinks the current happenings are the most important things in crypto right now and likely going to go down in history to be studied by future projects...

Check it out:


Cool, who's Ari Paul?

By the way, this isn't just some guy talking about STEEM and the subsequent drama... Ari Paul is is the co-founder and CIO at Blocktower Capital which at one time was said to be one of the largest crypto hedge funds in the world.

I am not sure what their AUM looks like currently, but they have been considered one of the better crypto funds out there for years now both in terms of their leadership/returns as well as their knowledge of all things crypto.

And this is one of the few, if any, times he has talked about STEEM on a public forum...

The world is watching and we are getting more press than we could have ever dreamed. Hopefully some of that can be parlayed into some good outcomes.

Stay informed my friends.



Not all press is good, if blockchain ded is that good how?

That dude has some great questions and insights. Thanks for sharing this. No doubt will be a cornerstone event for the blockchain world.

Steem phenomenon will trailblaze all other crypto developments and governance ... very good observation. Bit intriguing but it has lots of merits to it.

Thanks for sharing. While I believe that the current status of STEEM may welcome any media coverage, I also would like to see more logical, thoughtful anaylses.

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