The normal human brain vs. the human brain on bitcoin

in GEMS4 years ago

If you feel like you think differently than your non-coiner friends, you are right!

New scientific studies are finding that when someone invests in bitcoin, their brain actually changes.

Based on the latest brain imaging technologies, check out the differences in the normal human brain vs. the bitcoin investors brain...



Instead of thinking about the things most people tend to be thinking about, the bitcoiners brain tends to spend abnormally large amounts of brain power thinking about checking the price, stacking more sats, and game theory.

Instead of trying to find things to buy, the bitcoiner tends to want to save every penny just in case bitcoin dips so he can buy more.

It's unclear what the long term effects are on these changes in brain activity, but it is interesting never the less.

All you coiners out there, have you noticed the changes yourself?

Stay informed my friends.



I started my crypto journey as Bitcoin miner... in few weeks I managed to mine 8000 sats... That made me think about possibility of making a better coin... It took about 2 years before I started my own coin, now I don't think about Bitcoin so much anymore...

My bitcoin wallet is empty please help me to have it atleast 1 bitcoin

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