Further evidence Coinbase is opening up to Altcoins... It's time to get STEEM a listing

in GEMS4 years ago

Coinbase looking like it wants to be a major altcoin exchange

Coinbase has been open to adding altcoins for some time now, but they are pushing them now more than ever before...

We just saw a report put out the other day where Coinbase talked about the majority of their customers eventually purchasing other coins outside of bitcoin on their platform.

I won't go into all of it here, but the takeaway was that of the people that deposit money into coinbase, over 75% of them eventually purchase some other coin besides bitcoin.

Less than 25% only stick with bitcoin...

Their takeaway was that bitcoin was predominately the gateway into the altcoin markets...

More on that can be seen here btw:


More evidence Coinbase is turning the corner on altcoins...

If you haven't been paying attention to crypto twitter as of late, you may have missed the fact that J.K. Rowling has been poking around bitcoin and asking for people to explain it to her...

More on that can be seen here:


Well, Coinbase tried to chime in as well, though they replied to a fake J.K. Rowling account...


Either way though, it was their overall response that I felt was so interesting...

Check it out:


(Source: https://twitter.com/TheStalwart/status/1261779484203720706)

The CEO of Coinbase, Brian Armstrong not only urged her to set up a Coinbase account, but also use that bitcoin to "get into any of the many other cryptos out there".

Hmm... that sounds like a man that is changing his tune from a couple years ago where Coinbase was mostly only holding the top handful of projects out there.

This is yet further evidence that we need to be contacting Coinbase right now about getting a STEEM listing.

It may never be easier than it is right now.

Stay informed my friends.



That fake J.K. Rowling was kicked out of Twitter...

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