Pictures from Flea Market / #club100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 months ago

Today I participate in WoX photo contest with the week topic: 'Furniture'.
More details on the contest here:

Any chair or table is a furniture, but I would like to show you more rare stuff. Look at a scene one may witness at a flea market. (I recommend you to click at the picture to enjoy all the details in a separate tab).



Highlight and most attractive part for me are the 'Viennese chairs' - I can’t pass by this stuff indifferently, always stop and watch. Over the dozen years I have gradually replaced all the chairs we had at home with ones I obtained at the flea markets, and two of them simply were found and rescued from the waste :)


The second best thing in this photo are two round brown boxes. You probably already guessed what they are hiding inside?... Originally these are boxes for storing and transporting ladies' hats - I am absolutely sure that up to date there are no hats inside these boxes, but I did not check... Still, the very fact of encounter and recognizing was very pleasant to me. This is a fragment of a past life that has completely disappeared from current reality.

At the flea market you can find a lot of interesting things, both useful and useless, beautiful and ugly or broken: dishes, cups, pans, knives, clothes, children's toys, photocameras and lens, vinyl records and music compact cassettes, VHS, broken mobile phones, books, postcards, paintings and engravings, antique paper money and coins, badges, gas masks, dumbbells, mechanical sewing machines, adding machines, signs that previously were decorating city houses, bicycles and spare parts for them, all kinds of tools and much, much, much more. A dozen posts wouldn’t be enough to embrase all you may discover there! A pure paradise for rarities collectors!


На барахолке можно найти много интересного, как полезные вещи, так и бесполезные, но красивые: посуду, ножи, одежду, детские игрушки, фотокамеры, виниловые пластинки и музыкальные компакт-кассеты, VHS, сломанные мобильные телефоны, книги, открытки, гравюры, старинные бумажные деньги и монетки, значки, противогазы, гантели, украшавшие городские дома таблички, велосипеды и запасные части к ним, всевозможные инструменты и многое, многое, многое другое. Мне не хватило бы и десятка постов, чтобы рассказать что там можно найти! Это просто рай для коллекционеров раритетов...




Babylon is here!

If you like my photo, please vote for my entry in the contest.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

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