Autumn sky in the water / #club100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago


My entry for the Post Processing contest. Round #34 had no special topic but an image for editing:

Original photo:

...and my resulting image:
process-07.jpg (download hi-res version by the link.)

Below I will explain how I got such an embellished image.
For editing I used .jpeg file, I used Adobe Photoshop 22.

Step 1 - on the 1st step I cropped the image:


Step 2 - Lighting and pulling out details from the shadows.


Photoshop command was used: Image > Adjustment > Shadows/Highlights.


Step 3 - adjusting details and saturation.

Using Curves, I adjusted contrast and made image more saturated in colour.


After this, image looked like this:


Step 4 - more contrast

I duplicated the image to separate layer and mixed it with original at 20% opacity with 'Overlay' effect:

process-04 overlay.jpg

Step 5 - make sky more blue

The sky reflection is not clear and blue enough everywhere; I used brush tool and added a more uniform blue color to the sky reflection in problem areas.

Step 6 - radical artsy modification

Here probably I could stop.... but I decided to create more refined image. I copied left side of the image and mirrored it to the right side. Thus I got a nice elongated panorama of the autumn landscape.

Did you like my guide?

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!

 8 months ago 

Unexpected panoramic solution))
I would adjust the horizon line a little more in it (there is a feeling that there is a slope to the left).
Thank you for the detailed post-processing steps with a demonstration of the step-by-step result, I think it's useful (at least for me for sure, I don't use FSH much).

The photo became an illustration on the cover of something :)
Maybe a calendar?

Неожиданное панорамное решение))
Я бы в нём ещё чуть подправил линию горизонта (есть ощущение, что присутствует наклон влево).
Благодарствую за подробные шаги пост обработки с демонстрацией пошагового результата, думаю, это полезно (во всяком случае для меня точно, я мало использую ФШ).

Фотография стала иллюстрацией на обложку чего-то :)
Может быть календаря?

 8 months ago 

Да, видимо так - красивенькое, на обложку! Наклон действительно ощущается, но не влево а вправо (возможно, повращал хост слишком сильно).

 8 months ago 

сено с соломой перепутал)), вправо, конечно)

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