in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

This is in response to @timcliff post in encouraging healthy #discussion and to find out more, here is the link of his post:


And here is the start of My Argument:

sleeping giant2.jpg
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/

I just wonder why the sleeping giant @steemit which I believe, is the account of the creators of this platform is sleeping and not using its SP in Value of Curation?

sleeping sp.png

I found @steemit first and only post last year and it got only $1.70 with 263 votes

first steemit post.png

I don't know if it voted itself or not coz if we have to find out now how much is the amount of @steemit vote you'll be shocked... it's soooo big!

I'm just SHOCKED to know that this Power is Sleeping:

Curation power2.png

Have you seen it? It has 71,032,195.587 SP and a 100% voting amount to $8,423.96 . Why it has to remain sleeping ? One vote of 100% from @steemit to someone who is struggling in steemit could change his or her life forever!

If I got that vote of 100% it could pay all our debts and change my life forever...Why? it's because $8,423.96 amount could be almost Half a Million Pesos in our Country. It could build us a decent house. It could feed even thousand of street children in our country.

Is the owner or owners of this account are so busy enough and has no time for curation? Then why not delegate some to those who almost spend the rest of the day on steemit (Ha ha ... I spend an average of 6 hours a day ) . Or to @Minnowbooster or @Minnowsupport and some other bots whose main purpose are to curate and boost Minnows like us.

As I understood on STEEMIT that you could use your Voting Power at 100% up to ten times with in the day and it will grow up again with out loosing any amount from your SP. This is giving away money for FREE without loosing from you own pocket! Then WHY @steemit is not Utilizing this Awesome Power and very Unique Virtue of this great Platform called STEEMIT.COM?

Is it because they don't need any CURATION REWARD anymore? Or they're just busy...Isn't it Curation is encouraged in this platform? Pardon me @steemit, I'm just confused.

Lastly, I still thank you @steemit or to your Creators for bringing STEEMIT.COM to this world of Internet. I know and I believe you and all of us will grow more in this Platform. Please help us achieve quickly this growth by doing the Design of this Platform. You have the Power because you are the SuperPower of this Steemit World! If I have to beg for your Upvote then I would why ? Because I know that when you give you won't loose any. And still you will receive more...

If you agree to this Post, please Re steemit so that it will reach @steemit. A Million thanks to you from @joshvel

show some support.gif


Hi @joshvel.

It is an interesting point, but may not be as simple as it seems.

@steemit account can't just upvote anyone for $8425. This is because of the macroeconomics of Steemit platform. If you upvote something with a huge Steem Power, then all other posts for the same period will not be paid according to their quality. Money are not taken from nowhere, if you give a lot of value to somebody, you take this value from others. Those who worked hard to create valuable content will not get the reward they deserve, and maybe give up posting and making value because of that...

Content curation is really a complicated task, barely done by any bots, mostly solvable only by human mind. So to make this platform more profitable and successful we need to upvote only quality content, this will be the most fair and profitable option for everyone.

Anyway, I agree with you, that Steemit creators might need to do more of curation work themselves. Currently the early Steemit adopters (old bloggers) take the largest part of daily profit, but to make this platform big, there should be more intention to reward quality content, even if the content is created by absolutely new users.

I personally think that only having equal chances for everyone will allow Steemit to become a multi-billion dollar project!

Yours is a very informative comment @w-w-w thank you ; now I understand more of the value of curation. But such amount of upvote could be distributed right?

Yes, it can. I personally think that a good step to make Steemit a great and profitable place for everyone is the following:

@steemit founders work hard on curation (or carefully hire someone to do this on their behalf) and use a part of their voting power to upvote let's say 30 of the best posts/comments every day. Good posts will immediately appear in Hot tab and get more exposure and even more profit.

Moreover, this will help to get much more quality content in Hot tab, so new potential users will be much more likely impressed by the content quality they see in Hot tab, by the profit the platform is able to offer, and those users will be inspired to open an account and start blogging. And of course this approach will inspire the current Steemit users as well :)

Well, I would love to see them give a 8000 USD upvote to a minnow, damn, that would be nuts...
They would feel like they have won the lottery! lol

No, that would be really bad idea. They will need to limit their voting power. Let's say if they upvote 30 best posts/comments per day with $10-$250 each (depending on quality) that would be pretty healthy for the platform and efficient at the same time.

Just checked at steemd.com, @steemit hasn't voted in the last year...

Exactly, this is what needs to be changed.

The amount that gets paid out from the rewards pool is fixed. If a user wit a large stake (like the Steemit account) votes to increase the rewards of a single post, the payout for that post would come out of the same rewards pool as all the other content. The rewards for all of the other posts would go down to be able to pay for it.

Also, the Steemit account was not meant to vote on content. It is the account that Steemit, Inc. used to fund new account creation, as well as to pay for the expenses of running their company.

Thank you for the more clarifications on the matter. Now for us minnows would be clearer as to how the reward pool works. Did I create a discussion here? Thanks @timcliff for the initiative and for the comment.

There is information on that in the FAQ and on the welcome page.

One more question sir, can they not able to delegate some of their SP ?

They could, but it would not generate any additional rewards. It would just give certain users (whoever they delegated to) more influence than the users they did not delegate to.

Then at least it would be useful for someone...thanks for the answer @timcliff.

maybe they just lost their password? - @joshvel thanks for using the #discussion tag - i think it could be really helpful if it catches on

They did not lose their password. Their not voting is a choice, so that the community can decide what to vote for.

my b @timcliff just messing around...i read your posts above - very helpful - I'm more on @joshvel side of the steem world still learning the ropes...appreciate you interacting honestly with some of us minnows!

Glad to help :)

Thanks @breakthrough for the input. I'd rather be honest than to be prideful.

@timcliff, what about delegating a little bit for languages without native whales?

I'm sure many non english speaking communities will appreciate it, it will also reduce the ammount of attempted english posts thus increasing the overall quality of contenct and open the door to many newcomers who refrain from it now because they only speak their mother tonge?

Also for example the Spanish community has only one whale so there is like a monopoly as well as some questionable made up rule enforcement that defeats the de-centralized principle of the pplatform.

I'm just brainstorming here, I am convinced this is a great platform and has a bright future (I even invested what i could to power up and help others) And i am convinced that if the minnows really unite we would not need to be begging for support, but as you know it is very difficult to drive and motivate people without an incentive.

Steemit appeals to human greed to make the world a better place (at least it is how i see it, like using the techniques of eveil to do good) I have a series of posts in spanish about distributing the effort for a common goal and i trully hope to be able to encourage and open discussions in a sort of Ágora using steemit as a platform

I tried that in loomio and even thou we had more than 1000 participants, they lacked the incentive to spend time writting and we ended up being the same 10 of us having all the discussions in front of 1000 people...

Now i'm trying to migrate that here (thou with some struggle from people used to facebook) .

In any case thanks for reading!

Well the problem is that if they delegate to one set of users, no matter how good the cause, they are being unfair to all of the other stakeholders. If for example the Korean community worked extremely hard to get their community members to buy $250,000 USD worth of Steem Power so that they could support the members of their community, and then the Steemit account gives the Spanish community $250,000 worth of delegated SP for free how is that fair to the users who actually invested in the platform?

It seems to me to be excellent that these topics are beginning to be talked about on these sides and I have encouraged myself to participate in this small debate.

It is extremely interesting to analyze if some minority communities should be supported or not by the Steemit whales, for this, it is necessary not to decontextualize the subject. Let me explain, we can not "abstract" the Steemit communities of the world outside the internet and their tangible reality that can be summed up in a single word: Inequality. Simply, not all people in all countries have the same investment capacity as others.

Unfortunately, it is simpler to tell the Korean community to invest 250,000 SP in Steemit, than to the Venezuelan community in which the average salary is around 30 $.

It is not with this that you want to ask for a "charity" or that we want things given away, what is proposed is temporary help for communities that do not have the capacity to start with the same force as others if they could have.

On the other hand, I do not think it is so correct that other investors do not want minority communities or less purchasing power to grow, first of all because the growth of any community group in Steemit has a direct impact on the acceptance of this platform and, therefore, the price of STEEM, which benefits us all and especially the big investors.

In addition to the above, we must remember that the premise with which this community was created, according to Ned, is to end the problem of violence, so that altruistic ethics should not be lost in the decisions that are made.

I think it is possible to design a temporary method in which large whales or users with a lot of SP invest in well planned and structured healing projects in the Hispanic community that allow:

  1. The reward and attraction of creators of quality content in other languages.

  2. The growth of the minority communities of Steemit that will end up impacting in the end in the growth of the community in general and of the price of STEEM thus benefiting the large and medium investors.

If one sits down to analyze it well, there are more advantages than disadvantages in the proposal that, besides an aid, I consider an investment.

It is a valid viewpoint, and there isn't really anything that I disagree with. Ultimately though it is up to the investors to decide what to do with their stake. If you are looking to get investors to sponsor your project/community, then the burden is on you to convince them to give you their investment.

Point of clarification here sir @timcliff , is it to give or just lend/delegate?

Either, although most likely if you were to get an investor's support, it would come in the form of a delegation.

One thing you might be interested in is https://www.minnowbooster.com/. It allows you to lease/rent delegated SP. It comes at a cost, and the delegation only lasts for a limited time, but it is cheaper than actually buying the amount you would need for the same amount of influence.

Thank you very much @timcliff for giving time of my queries. And congrats for being the top 2 witness, you are one of my voted witnesses. God bless!


I am very curious as well.... They probably don't care how much they will earn if they upvote themselves because they are they creators and they probably don't need to spend 1 hour posting for just under 10k.

However, you are right if that SP could be used to help other in the platform, it could be awesome. Perhaps they have a reason for not doing so, I can see that a lot of people already asking that account @steemit to upvote them (its wallet history have lots of people sending fragments of a SB and asking for upvotes).... I think the steemit platform etiquette guidelines says try not to do that beg for upvotes.

I'm not proud enough not to beg an upvote from a Giant like @steemit , when in fact an upvote from him would not affect his Power... I guess etiquette is just a guideline but not a rule.

It's actually really funny, because 2 minutes ago i just looked up how much power is has? And the amount it could curate? It's truly incredible, but if you look at recent upvotes... It has upvoted quite recently!

That's a good news then @rangerzs ,thanks for dropping by...

:D How would we get a vote from @steemit anyway? There should be competition type things?

Ha,ha..that would be awesome!

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

If @steemit gives me 1 100% upvote a month, I never ever complain again.
It won't cost them a thing except a few seconds to search and click me.

Or better spread the vote as what @w-w-w said to at least to 30 posts...

I'm happy with every upvote, even when it brings nothing

300 posts would be fairer...

Thanks for the upvotes and the comments/discussion here, it would do better and hopefully the persons concern may have reached this post if we REsteem it.

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

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