THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR KIDS! - Canada Has FALLEN! - Speak Out & Get Arrested!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on BitChute HERE:

they're coming for your kids canada has fallen thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the shocking technocratic takeover of Canada from a piece of the Berlin Wall as Canadians, especially those in Winnipeg, face arrest for simply speaking out or protesting.
The fact is, they're coming for every single one of you and they are currently using people's children to get them to sign conditions following arrest for "inciting a rally."
This is the absolute end game. In Soviet Russia, journalists were arrested for reporting on corruption or tyranny. Protesters were put in gulags and the people were told it was for the greater good of society.
Today, we see journalists banned and interrogated for reporting on these issues in Canada. Their medias censored. We see protesters including the young and old getting arrested "pre-crime" for intent to protest or "inciting a rally." Then protesters with pregnant wives are kept from their wives until they sign their rights away.
The truth is, they're going after everyone. They're going after children playing outside. They're going after parents who dare try to give their children a childhood. Winnipeg is the starting grounds for this global takeover, but it will spread through all of Canada and eventually the world as this is a global takeover after all.
Todd McDougall, Patrick Allard, Dr. Gerry Bohemier among many other wonderful Winnipegers are being arrested in their homes or out on the street. Meanwhile, the Canadian government is holding their own rallies over justice for their own crimes including countless bodies found buried recently at a residential school which we at WAM have been reporting on for a decade and called crazy by the very same government that's now out having a vigil and a rally while people like Todd McDougall are arrested for going outside and speaking out loud.
This is not only a disgrace, this is the collapse of all that is good in Canada. Canada has fallen. Will you stand up now? Or will you wait until they come for you too?

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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