INCREDIBLE: What India Just Did Will GUARANTEE A Global Cashless Socety!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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In this video, I sit down with author and economic analyst John Sneisen to talk about the ramped up efforts by India towards a centrally planned cashless system following their past moves towards eliminating 86% of cash and coin in circulation.

India has already desecrated (free) black markets, shoved countless individuals into poverty and have forced hundreds of millions of Indians into the banking system.

As Business Insider reports,

"Before 2009, half of all Indians didn’t have any form of identification, not even a birth certificate...
Then In 2009, India launched Aadhaar.
Aadhaar is a biometric database based on a 12-digit digital identity, authenticated by finger prints and retina scans.
As of 2016, 1.1 billion people (95% of the population) had a digital proof of identity.
In 2016, India added another component to its digitized system called India Stack.
India Stack allows citizens to open a bank account or brokerage account, buy a mutual fund, or share medical records anywhere in India with just a fingerprint or retinal scan from Aadhaar.
Put simply, India Stack could be the framework for a new digital society."

So this is the technocratic age we've been warning about!

If your money's in the bank, it's not yours, it's the bank's. If your money is solely going through the bank via digital transaction and you can't hold it, it's never your money, it's ALWAYS the bank's. This puts you in complete servitude to the banking system. You never own money. They own you.

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This centrally planned digital currency system is being pushed on a global scale, from India to China as well as many G20 countries. At the last Davos meeting we heard countless globalists talking about creating a global cashless society. This is not a conspiracy "theory", but simply a conspiracy.

The plan is to implement the cashless system into the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) world currency at the IMF and they're already well on their way. Technocracy is rising as author Patrick Wood notes and it's about time people start understanding what this entails.

Modi is a great globalist deception and people are falling for it. It's hard to free fools from the chains they revere.

See the FULL video report here:

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Watch about what is happening at India really, they have a war against of cash and cryptos. But the Elite is doing a lot of strange things in that country. Thanks for that post

This is a troubling development. We need fiat cash for now, but what we really need is to create our own currencies which aren't debt-based like the central bank-issued fiat toilet paper. We need to start creating our own currencies and ignoring the legal tender laws.

very interesting! thanks for sharing mate

Can people see this thumbnail in the feed? For me and many others it shows no thumbnail. :/

steem pic3.png

i do see the thumbnail for this post.

I since changed it and changed the picture to jpg from png. Png files always worked in the past, but suddenly they don't. haha

Cashless society is a part of the globalism agenda highlighted by confederate general Albert Pike. Makes me wonder.

very intersting post about india, did you hear about them wanting to regulate cryptocurrencies

It would be ok if they were to use Steem as currency

The thing is, they're centrally planning digital currency. When centrally planned it ceases to be "crypto"

Right. We already have digital money at the click of a mouse button. It's called the dollar.

I should have added a big smiley behind my comment as in "how cool would that have been" ^^

Excellent coverage👍Thank you guys!

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ifyou don't mind. This was a good episode.

Keep it up guys

Now with Cryptocurrency becoming more popular they have spent a lot of time and money into figuring out a way to use a centralized controlled cryptocurrency perhaps banning all other types of currency? For the governments they can't afford to let go of that money, power, control you have to understand that they will do ANYTHING to keep that power. I'm going to resteem, upvote this.

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